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dayforce 5 years ago in BLOX Total CMS 0

Ceridian Dayforce is an incredible partner,” says Julie Sedlock, group vice president of store operations at Aéropostale. “The company’s service resources have been outstanding and the team’s expertise runs deep. I’m impressed with their knowledge and responsiveness which speaks highly of both the quality of the organization and the application.”

Dayforce HCM features include:

Payroll and Tax - view, edit, fix and preview payroll in real-time, eliminating batch processing and trial run to ensure employees are compensated accurately and on time.

Workforce Management - plan and forecast labor requirements, align schedules with labor demand, and ensure accurate time tracking and compliance.

Benefits – Manage employee enrollment, calculate eligibility and support an unlimited number of plan types to administer accurate, compliant and accessible benefit plans across the organization.

Human Resources – use forms and workflows to communicate across the organization, access and manage key HR details, and enable employees to manage their work and life events.

Mobile – gain up-to-the-minute access to schedules and other aspects of employee records and unprecedented visibility into HR and operations from wherever employees are working.

Demonstrations of Dayforce HCM will take place at booth #2065 at the National Retail Federation Annual Convention & Expo on January 13 – 16, 2013 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York City. While visiting the Ceridian booth, NRF attendees can complete a HCM survey and be entered in a draw for a chance to win 1 of 3 Vespas.

During NRF a Powerhouse Panel featuring retail experts and Dayforce HCM customers: Pier 1 Imports, FGL Sports Ltd, True Religion Brand Jeans and Gordmans Inc., will share how they have influenced the way solution providers think of workforce management and human capital management.


Feature request: Ability to have separate SEO-only headline

Beth OMalley 5 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Chase Doak 5 years ago 1

It would be great to have an SEO headline field so we could customize headlines for search optimization.


Teaser image

Lindy Ritz 5 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 5 years ago 1

If you remove a 'teaser' image from an article in TCMS, and re-flow it up to Blox, it seems that the teaser image won't go away. You actually have to remove it from both system versions. Is that a bug?


Make all fields in assets in TCMS usable.

Beth OMalley 5 years ago in BLOX Total CMS 0

Feature request:

PLEASE make adjust these additive only fields in TCMS so that they act "normally" and make adjustments to files in Blox as well. If a feature is additive only, it makes it very difficult to actually be useful for clients that use TCMS as their main CMS.

teaser images


delete time/date

Under review

Feature Request: Auto-populating Collections

Kevin M. Cox 6 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Andrew Link 5 years ago 6

Here is what I want and why I want it:

I'd love the ability to create a Collection asset and then define a slug template that would automatically assign any specified asset type matching that pattern to the Collection as a child.

For example: 

Create a Collection, set the Start Time, Sections, Workflow, etc. Then define the following for matching:
Type: Image
Slug: 180518-new-shooting*
(The asterisk being a wildcard just like in slug search.)

The system would run a search on the slug either constantly or every five minutes or something and then automatically add the matches into the collection.


Or maybe even options for keywords instead of slugs:
Type: Image
Keyword: #sfhsshooting

Two scenarios where this would save a ton of time:

1. We had a mass shooting today and it would have been a huge help for photographers to FTP their images into TotalCMS and not even need to open the browser and login to BLOX. Just upload the photos and know they'll be added into the existing live photo gallery within a few minutes. (Transmitting images via FTP directly from Photo Mechanic is hands-down the fastest way to get photos into TCMS.)

2. It would save a bunch of time when covering sports to setup the Collection ahead of time and then let it auto-populate as photos are sent during the game. During the World Series last year I was able to send photos during the games but usually didn't have time to get into BLOX until afterwards. So while my photos where in TCMS, they weren't online for any readers to see.

A feature like this would help level the playing field for small publications that don't have dedicated web staff sitting in the office to build galleries.

Under review

Notifier: Push the message out when story goes live

Jason Braverman 5 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 5 years ago 17

Say a reporter is completing his/her story. They've added the photos, gallery and any other assets. Next they move over to "Notifier" and create a tweet and FB message and hit "Save and Send." By default, since the story isn't "live" on the website yet, it goes into "draft" mode. Next, they'll promote the story for the editor to read. He/she reads it and promotes it to the web. Shouldn't the tweet and FB post go live at that time? 


Allow pre-roll ads on video assets to display when asset is embedded in story.

Brad Boner 5 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated 5 years ago 4

This seems like a no-brainer, but currently pre-roll ads in video assets only play when the video is viewed in the video asset itself. When a video is embedded in a story, such as a long-form article asset, the pre-roll ad does not play. Example can be found here:

Pre-roll ad plays in video asset: https://www.jhnewsandguide.com/multimedia/jhn_g_videos/video_a0761ba8-46ca-54a1-97e9-6285ea337178.html

Pre-roll ad does not display when video is embedded in a story: https://www.jhnewsandguide.com/valley/feature/article_1561a181-d971-50c0-8ce4-3c2833c348af.html

The value of video assets to potential advertisers is obviously diminished when we cannot show their ad before videos that are embedded in stories. This is an update that needs to be addressed ASAP.

PS — While you're at it, please allow a video asset's Description and Byline fields to display with video assets when embedded in article assets, similar to how they display when image assets are embedded into articles.


Potential feature request: Adding more social options to Notifier

Thomas Martinez 5 years ago in BLOX Total CMS 0

We would like to have more social options on Notifier, such as Instagram and Snapchat. Our Young Professional groups says they use these two more than Twitter and Facebook to find their news and/or things to do.

Would this be useful for everybody?


What happened to the broadcast option

lschindler 6 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Christine Masters 6 years ago 2

Two days ago, I could broadcast to Twitter and Facebook. Today, with the upgraded look, broadcast isn't an option preparing an asset. I relied on that! Now it'll take extra time to schedule posts on both social media channels.

Kevin M. Cox 6 years ago

BLOX Notifier rolled out today, so the Broadcast area is now called Notifier.

There is a webinar about it next Thursday: https://community.townnews.com/communities/1/topics/1109-webinar-introducing-blox-notifier-a-new-way-to-manage-social-and-push-notifications

Under review

TotalCMS Social Broadcast limitations

Kevin M. Cox 6 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Brad Boner 6 years ago 6

I'm posting here as part of a formal feature request and also to see how the rest of y'all are working around this limitation.

What we've found is that social media broadcasts from TotalCMS are more often then not failing to actually happen. Support pinpointed that this failure will occur anytime an article gets edited (by a line editor or page designer) in between the time an asset gets a Site Tag and passes the Start Date/Time. For us this is a large portion of content.

Here is the note from support:

"The failure of the articles broadcasted from the TotalCMS system results from broadcasting an article that has a start date/time in the future that has additional revisions made to the asset in-between the time it was broadcast and the time it goes live. If the revisions are made after the start time has passed then the broadcast of the asset will be successful.

"To avoid this issue I would not broadcast the asset if the asset will need to be revised before it goes live or be sure to re-broadcast the asset after additional revisions are made before it goes live."

And my response:

"This is behavior that definitely needs to be corrected to support a real-world newspaper publishing workflow.

"We expect reporters to compose the social broadcasts because as the authors they are most closely associated with the content.

"However all articles still need to be edited before publication.

"With the details you've given us it means that we would have to ask the page designers to go back and set the social broadcast information after they have finished designing the pages at the end of the night which just isn't realistic.

"I'm sure we could make some minor changes to our workflow as well, but I feel like there might be some middle ground we need to work towards here.

"If the behavior cannot be changed there definitely needs to some change in the TotalCMS GUI that alerts users to the fact that the broadcast was cancelled. Right now it still just shows the "Syndicated..." text exactly the same as if the broadcast was successful."

In my feature request I'm asking that they either correct the problem of the broadcasts not happening or at a minimum update the GUI in that situation so reporters are aware the broadcast was cancelled due to a later edit.

How are y'all working around this problem or are we the only ones dealing with it due to our workflow?


Allow "Web headline" field to be blank when article asset presentation is Long-form

Brad Boner 6 years ago in BLOX Total CMS 0

We would like the ability for the "Web headline" field to be blank when an article asset is set to "Long-form" and ONLY IF the asset's "Hammer" field is populated. 

The reason we would like this function is for display purposes. We like the way the Hammer looks with a Subhead, however we are forced to populate the Web Headline field. If we populate it with something like a dash or bullet, that is the headline that is displayed on the website.

Ideally, if an asset's presentation mode is set to Long-form and the "Web headline" is left blank, the article asset would use the "Hammer" field as the web headline. This would open up our online display options as we wouldn't be forced to populate the Web Headline field.


Increase number of assets per page in search results

Brad Boner 6 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated 6 years ago 2

Currently, when using the "Search text" or "Slug" fields in CMS or TCMS, the number of assets returned is only 25. Would like the option to increase that to unlimited, if possible, so we would have a scrolling list of search results on a single page.


Show description for video assets when embedded in stories

Brad Boner 6 years ago in BLOX Total CMS 0

For video assets embedded into stories, we would like the video asset's "Description" field to appear under the video (similar to how photo captions appear) when the video is set to the "Video player" presentation mode.


Set Broadcast time separate from Start Date/Time

Brad Boner 8 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 6 years ago 8

First, thanks so much for adding the Broadcast feature to the TCMS. It's a very useful feature that will certainly get a lot of use.

It would be awesome if we could set a custom time to Broadcast assets separate from the asset's start time. This would enable us to send content to our social media channels for optimum visibility. For example, much of our content goes live on our website at 4:30 a.m. but it would be better to delay the Broadcast to Facebook until about 7:30 or 8 a.m. when there are more people on Facebook.

It would also be nice to have the ability to schedule multiple Broadcast times for different channels inside a single asset. For example, we would like to broadcast to Facebook once but may like to broadcast to Twitter three separate times, so it would be cool to have the ability to schedule a single FB broadcast and three Twitter broadcasts.

Finally — and I don't know if it's possible — but it would also be nice if media such as photos that are attached to assets could be broadcast to Twitter along with the asset's link.




Metered paywall messages

Thomas Martinez 6 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 6 years ago 1

Does anyone else see the value in having a sign-in or sign-up link in every message readers get through the metered paywall messaging -- instead of just the final message? We have had some readers tell us they would prefer that then realizing it at the final message. See attached art. This is simple rendering of what it would look like.