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Keywords In Blox TCMS

Jim Sacco 3 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Joe Hansen (Product manager) 3 years ago 1

Having issues with reporters typing in keywords into BLOX TCMS. They can only use keywords already in and can't create their own. 
However, I can keyword whatever I want as an editor. Any ideas or help? Can i make a keyword list?



There is a user permission that controls who can create keywords. You can look at the group that reporters are in under the Users admin -> Settings panel. Open the group. If you look at permissions, you can add a new one under Editorial -> Assets -> Create Keyword Tags. They need to have that access in order to create new ones.

Otherwise they can only use pre-defined keywords (which can help control keyword spam and typos). The keywords list is maintained in Site Settings in the main blox menu. Then look for keywords. Reach out to our CS team if you need further help with this.


Joe Hansen

TownNews Senior Solutions Team Lead


Make pasted content plain text by default

Don Willis 3 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 3 years ago 4

I can't speak for other customers, but since 99% of our content is plain text, why not make it so that content pasted into a story asset is -- by default -- plain text?

Then, instead of having a "plain text" button, have a button to retain formatting. Reporters and editors often forget to use this button, which causes code to be hidden in copy until it's ready and on the page, where it can be dozens of characters. That would eliminate this issue.


Combining multiple pages disappeared

There's been a few subtle changes to BLOX Total CMS lately, the most noticeable change for me is the "Combine Multiple Pages" feature. IT only gives me the option to combine one page at a time. Anyone else have this issue?


Feature request: Add sibling or child assets from multiple search pages

Erica Smith 8 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 3 years ago 10

If a user searches for assets to be used as sibling or child assets and the desired assets are on multiple pages, there's no easy way to add them to the story. You have to add the assets you want from Page 1. Then open the search again, search for the assets you want, go to Page 2, add the assets you want from that page. Want more? Repeat that process for every page of search results.

This is time consuming (and annoying). To change it, I've submitted a feature request. Help me make it a reality.

Christine Masters 3 years ago

Offering page reprints via Fotomoto

Andrea 3 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Christine Masters 3 years ago 1


We are moving from MyCapture to Fotomoto. 

In MyCapture, we had an album of page reprints (http://herald-dispatch.mycapture.com/mycapture/folder.asp?event=1877902&CategoryID=82823), and I am trying to figure out how to replicate that in Fotomoto. 

I'm interested in seeing what everyone else has come up with so far. Obviously, there's a photo gallery option. But I'm curious if anyone has figured out any other presentations. 


Christine Masters 3 years ago

Hi Andrea!

If you are asking specifically about page reprints, we are in discussions with Fotomoto about this now. We need to test this and make sure the image size is appropriate, and if so, it will be available within e-Edition, or by uploading front page images.

If you are asking about a "photo store" option in BLOX, this is something you can do just by creating a special URL and showcasing photos that can be sold.

Here is an example:


That is done by creating several blocks showing images from the X section that have photo sales enabled.

I then used the "promo button" block to create a link to a search results page to see more of photos from that section. The ps=1 in the search query means to only show items with photo sales enabled.

You can also use other block layouts for this.


Short cuts

alex songe 3 years ago in BLOX Total CMS 0

Is there a way to do short cuts in Blox Total CMS and snippets tied to it in Indesign?

Under review

scrolling ticker for quick news flash reporting

Ricky 4 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated 3 years ago 12

Give us a scrolling blox that we can do quick post of short term information without having to put together a complete story asset. This would solve the issue of posting just a quick short news flash that would require a user to click to view a short news brief.
Examples would be:
UN-planned road closings due to water main breaks, accidents, down trees.
School closings.
Breaking news stories with more detailed information to come.
Live sports updates (mostly local high schools).
Live weather updates for road closings.
Fugitive and/or jail breaks.

The Breaking News and Weather Alert blox use to have a scroll feature but it has since been removed and replaced with a story title scroll with limited character spaces.


Feature request: Read-only mode for article and collection assets

Chase Doak 4 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by anonymous 3 years ago 2

There are occasions when we have assets that are still being worked on, but that have information or elements that are relevant to people other than the person working on the asset. It would be nice to have a means of opening an asset in a read-only mode so that it is not locked by the person viewing it, but is not in danger of having conflicting edits made. This kind of thing would also allow editors to at least read and give feedback on an asset while the author has open.

Here's an example: A reporter is working on a lengthy Sunday feature that has a massive gallery attached to it. She is actively working on the asset, but does not currently have it open. Another employee is simultaneously working on a video to accompany the story, and needs information from the story and photo assets from the collection in order to produce the video. But if the second employee opens the article and collection to get the necessary information, the reporter can't make any edits to the story or collection, because they are locked. A read-only mode would allow the video production employee to open and view the assets without preventing the reporter from opening and editing them.


Please add support for svg images to both TotalCMS and BLOX.

David D. 4 years ago in BLOX Total CMS 0

Given the movement on the web to support newer image format, please add SVG as an image asset "version" to both TotalCMS and BLOX, see: https://caniuse.com/svg-img for details.

Given the scalable nature of SVG images they work much better for logos and info-graphics than other formats.


Mosaics in teaser images

scott rada 4 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Bruce Potter 4 years ago 4

When an article has multiple mugshots -- often two or more people running for office, or two or more people charged with a crime -- it would be helpful if Blox had a simple way to turn those multiple photo assets into a single teaser image. Here's an example. Currently we're using a separate photo editing software, slowing the process.


Under review

Creation of a keyword to restrict premium content to subscribers.

1. What problem(s) does this idea solve? Why do you need this idea implemented? Provide as many problems or use cases as possible.

Like every subscription-based newspaper across America, the New Hampshire Union Leader must transition our users from paying for print to paying for online content. The online content subscribers will pay for are exclusive news and enterprise stories; the premium information that you dedicate a reporter's day or week to, not just a few minutes to rewrite a press release.

A metered paywall is fine for commoditized news like accidents, fires, crimes, etc. -- the info all media outlets in a region will share. But on premium content -- a story we might have invested hundreds of dollars in and only we have it -- these we want to make access subscriber-only with a hard paywall that can be applied selectively on a story-by-story basis.

Presently, TownNews allows us to assign the level of paywall needed to any defined section in the taxonomy of sections and carve out niches within that hierarchy. For example, unionleader.com has a hard paywall on Business and Politics, and a metered paywall in the Crime and Safety sections. Further, within Politics and Business are sponsored subsections that are excluded from the paywall because an advertiser is footing the bill. All of that works great.

The problem we're seeing arises when a premium story we have invested in naturally falls into a section such as crime, safety, education, etc., that is a metered paywall section. At present we must either allow access to that premium content through the metered paywall or intentionally miscategorize that content to place it into a section that has the hard paywall needed.

A section-based paywall is fine in bulk, but in the particulars is unable to convey Premium status to the content we are most invested in in a manner that is quick and simple.

What we are proposing is that a keyword such as #premium and/or #hardpaywall be established that can be applied by our editors on an article-by-article basis to allow us to lock out non-subscribers regardless of section. Our editors are already accustomed to using keyword #nofollow on Washington Post stories, so such an approach is easy to train against.

We believe such a feature will not only be valuable to the Union Leader, but to newspapers you serve across America who like us will survive only by getting readers to subscribe.

2. How often would you use this feature?  Every day.

3. How many people in your organization would use this feature? About 20 on the news team.


Hi All,

BLOX Subscription Pro does currently support Keyword rules in the rule profile settings. With this you can add Keywords that will trigger premium content restriction in addition to the section definitions. Please feel free to contact our Customer Services folks if you require assistance.


How can I disable "do not publish" on a permanent basis?

Chris S 4 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 4 years ago 1

How can I disable "do not publish" on a permanent basis? Essentially, it automatically comes on when I set stories for print and web but have not yet set them to final. Then later when they should go online, they don't. It is very frustrating, as I have to go back in later on to post on the website.


Is there a way that the breaking news flag can go off automatically after a certain time?

Chris S 4 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 4 years ago 1

Is there a way that the breaking news flag can go off automatically after a certain time? It is a pain to have to go in and turn it off later on, especially on a weekend.


"Broadcast" doesn't seem to be turning on the twitter and facebook.

Chris S 4 years ago in BLOX Total CMS 0

"Broadcast" doesn't seem to be turning on the twitter and facebook. What am I doing wrong? Is there something else I need to do?

It used to work. Anyone else having problems before I put a work order in?