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Poll made in TCMS not showing up in CMS

Alex Hayes 6 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 6 years ago 1

Our sports staff made a poll in TCMS but it is not showing up in CMS. There are section tags and it is marked complete.

Under review

Syncing section tags in TCMS and CMS

Alex Hayes 6 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Christine Masters 6 years ago 4

We recently upgraded to TCMS.

I added a new section tag in CMS and altered the block where i want to pull stuff into.However, that tag is not in TCMS. I have tried creating it in TCMS in hopes that it would go to CMS but it isn't there.

Please help! How do I get section tags to sync.

Under review

Scheduling Broadcast

Gillan Ludlow 9 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Aidian 6 years ago 5
Hi all,

Is there a way to schedule postings to Facebook and Twitter? Right now, our editor posts all stories back-to-back online, which results in sending out 4 or 5 tweets immediately. We don't want to turn off the automatic posting.

But the only solution I could come up with was scheduling the stories to go off at different times so postings to Facebook and Twitter would be evenly spaced.

Is there another way to do this?

Thanks in advance.

An alternative to block quotes?

Bob Rose 6 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Aidian 6 years ago 1

We love the way the block quotes styling feature shows up to highlight pull quotes, whether inline or as content boxes dragged inline.

We were wondering if it would be possible to have another presentation for quoted material.

This might be when you have a series of quotes back-and-forth (maybe you are reporting on a phone conversation), or if you were quoting from a long passage.

These quotes would be the size of the rest of the body copy, but indented and italicized.  Ideally handled through the article editor.

Maybe there's a way to do this that I'm missing.


CNN syndication from TCMS>Blox

Bob Rose 6 years ago in BLOX Total CMS 0

Is anyone else able to syndicate assets (article and HTML) from TCMS to Blox when i try to do that with CNN content, I'm not allowed to place a site tag, getting a "Modification prevented by DRM rules."


Feature Request: Save button in the Expanded Editor view of article assets

Kevin M. Cox 8 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated 6 years ago 5

Image 206

A lot of our staff like using the Expanded Editor view when working in article assets so they can focus on just the body of their story. They are requesting that a Save button be added into this view so they can save (without closing) directly without having to first return to the standard asset view.

Probably the easier thing would be to simply add another bar at the bottom of the window, below the Stats bar, that contains the Save button on the right side. Alternatively adding it into the toolbar at the top of the screen would work just as well.

Please let me know what y'all think.



Under review

Photo Mechanic and photo author/byline

Erica Smith 7 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated 6 years ago 4

Is anyone who's using Photo Mechanic having luck getting the photo author field to populate? We have it working with bylines ... but there are other advantages to adding the name as an author (and I'm tired of doing it manually on all of our staff photos).


Add Geolocation Column to the Editorial Assets list

Kevin M. Cox 9 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated 6 years ago 1
We'd love to see a Geolocation column added to the Editorial Assets window.

We'd like to switch from using location name-based Sections to actual Geolocations, however one disadvantage will be that we can't see which Geolocations an asset is tagged in without actually opening it.

This makes it hard for an editor to quickly at a glance ensure things are in the right place, like they can now with Sections, without even opening the assets.

TCMS: Web only cutlines that would override print cutlines when they move to BLOX

Lindy Ritz 6 years ago in BLOX Total CMS 0

Is there a feature in the works that could allow in TCMS a 'web only' cutline field that would override the current cutline copy that is used for print? Much like we have a 'Web Headline", web cutline (in a tab, next to the teaser photo option, perhaps.)


Feature Request - Most Commented Widget to include Facebook Comment Counts

John W. Shaw 7 years ago in BLOX Total CMS 0

The Town News system already displays comment counts in both the Facebook code and the Town News comment counter. This feature should be extended further to allow the "Most Commented" widget to track these counts as well. Since the system is already counting these using the built in Town News counter, I would imagine this type of request should be a small step forward.


Getting around the paywall by turning off cookies- how do we stop that?

Nick K 7 years ago in BLOX Total CMS 0

We recently discovered that you can get around the TownNews paywall on our site by simply disabling cookies. I have also tested this on other TownNews sites and found that to work there as well. Is there any way we can set up the paywall so that if cookies are blocked, the user automatically has to sign in if they aren't already? Or some other deterrent that if the user disables the cookies that they aren't reading our site for free?

Under review

Subscribe with Google question

Rob Weir 7 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Christine Masters 7 years ago 1

It looks like Google is offering up some new features with its Google News product, including a way for people to subscribe to newspapers with a Google account and a saved (with Google) credit card. It looks like this would streamline subscription for a lot of users, but I assume Google would also take a cut. 


Has TN been involved with this at all? Looks like some large publishers are on board.  

Christine Masters 7 years ago

We have been consulted about the initiative as part of our Google partnership and as part of our AMP integration, but aren't yet part of the beta. 

We do have Single Sign-in available now through oAuth 2.0. Here is a page on how to do this: https://help.bloxcms.com/knowledge-base/applications/settings/users/federated_authentication/article_ec11c076-fab5-11e6-b45b-ef23752afc52.html

So, once authenticated, you can log into the BLOX front-end with no sign-in as long as you're signed in to Google.

(We have Facebook authentication as well, which is popular.)


Amber alert option

Shawn Willmon 7 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Robert Armstrong 7 years ago 1

It would be nice to have an option to push a story for an Amber Alert in the area to the site.


Character count for Calendar description

Ellen Meany 7 years ago in BLOX Total CMS 0

When we export self-service calendar listings for print, we'd like to be able to limit the word count without a lot of hand editing. To do this, it would help if the description field could be limited, especially for those listings that choose a print upsell. Say 250-300 characters max, with a countdown that tells the person entering the listing how much space they have left. 

This could also be a separate, short description field, perhaps, so the long version, if needed, could run online.  


IDEA: Paywall options for collections, section pages

Marcus Fitzsimmons 7 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Christine Masters 7 years ago 2

We're in the process of locking down more content behind our paywall and have run into a limitation.

We'd like to lock our entire obit section behind the paywall so only subscribers can see the page that contains the assets. (Its obits, once you see the name, it just takes a google name search and you have the funeral home's page)

What would be a great help is either

1) Ability to make a section page require a subscription to view


2) the ability to move a collection behind the paywall

We're looking at it for some other cases, but if a collection is behind the wall, then in the case where headlines give away too much, having the option  where only subscribers could view them would also remedy the problem.

Christine Masters 7 years ago

Hi Marcus,

We have an experimental option that allows you to set subscription on non-story assets. Submit a ticket to our Customer Support and reference this ticket and we can help you set it up.

We don't currently have the ability to put the section page behind a paywall.