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Section tags not showing up in Total CMS

Jen L 9 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Christine Masters 9 years ago 2
We're adding several different columnist pages for a couple of different sections. Everything is showing up okay on the front end, but we can't add the new section tags to the article assets from within Total CMS, only when we're in CMS (the new section tags aren't even showing up as options in TCMS). I've never done this before, so I might be missing a step. Is there any way to add the tags to TCMS so we can put them on from there instead of having to go into CMS?

Multiple print publications on single TCMS asset

Michael Becker 9 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 9 years ago 1
I'm cross-posting this here at the suggestion of the customer service tech to see if other TotalCMS sites would be interested.

We have run into a situation where we have obituaries (in the form of article assets) that need to run on more than one day in print. Because of the budgeting limitations in TCMS, you can't assign an asset to more than one edition of a single publication -- just one print placement.

I'm arguing that TCMS should allow us to schedule a single asset to as many print placements as needed or desired, rather than us having to create multiple copies of an asset (each with its own publication placement) or simply having to remember to change the publication on the original asset day-to-day.

I'm all for a solution that keeps a single asset in the system, rather than duplicates, which run the risk of transferring over to the hosted Blox side, where multiples of the same asset could cause confusion for front-end users (especially in searches.) Imagine searching for grandma's obituary only to find three copies of it online, one for each day it ran in print -- each with its own comments and URL.

Anyone else second this? Have a suggested solution for our workflow?

Any one use FIDO?

TomS 10 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Christine Masters 9 years ago 2
This only started when we switched to TCMS so I was wondering if other designers/layout in the community are using the MEI plugin FIDO? We are experiencing a lot of InDesign crashes when updating ads with this plugin. Both InDesign and FIDO are current and compatible. I've been told by TownNews that we are the only company using FIDO. Are any designers in the community using it and experiencing crashes? If not what is your workflow or programs used. 

We use the MEI program AdForce to dummy and lay ads on our InDesign template. We split the document into individual pages for the copy editors. When we get the pages back we use FIDO to update ads on the page that were missing or updated during the day. Then export our pages to pre-press and the web. The only solution we've tried is deleting the Ad Layer and re-lay the ads on the individual page before exporting. This takes longer and introduces a place for human error of importing the wrong page of ads. 


inline notes

Jennifer Perkins 9 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Christine Masters 9 years ago 1
Are Inline Notes also coming to TCMS?
Christine Masters 9 years ago
Hi Jennifer!

Yes, definitely! Our TotalCMS platform is on a different update schedule so will be a few months behind the "hosted" software. Also, individual newspaper sites choose when to do the updates to their local site, so that could vary the timeline as well.

But, it is definitely on the way! :)

Presentation mode for YouTube assets

Jennifer Perkins 10 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Mike Stickler 10 years ago 5
We see that you can set an image asset to display in presentation mode: "showcase" and have it display prominently when it is a child asset of an article. Is there a way to do this with a child YouTube asset? If not (at this time), are there any plans to add presentation modes for YouTube or video assets?
Christine Masters 10 years ago
We have a "workaround" way to do this - a custom property.

On the YouTube asset, go to "other" and then enter:

name = position

value = showcase

Available position values:

showcase = Large and on top of the article
top = Top of the media box
bottom = Bottom of the story

log_email for individual jobs

Craig V 10 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated 10 years ago 4
Can I use log_email on individual jobs and not all jobs? If so, do I just add it to the job under destination tab?


User can register for an account with Facebook

Deirdre Long 10 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Christine Masters 10 years ago 1
Users should be able to register for an account by linking their Facebook account. "Log in with Facebook" like other websites do. 
Christine Masters 10 years ago
Hi Deirdre!

I'm happy to tell you that we do have this! It is enabled via Settings -> Users -> Authentication -> Federated Authentication.

If you need help, you can contact our Customer Support team and they can help set this up for you.
Under review

Macros in TCMS using Chrome (or Firefox)

Craig ODonnell 11 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Christine Masters 11 years ago 4
When creating stories and adding photos (that is, working with "Article" and "Image") there are an enormous number of repetitive clicks. For example, in an "Image" asset you click a button to add an image which shows a popup to click to get to the "Browse" dialog, which pops up across the screen from the first button ...)

Being able to use some basic macros, as in Excel, to get from A to B would save a great deal of time and go easier on everyone's wrists and arms.

Is anyone using a macro program on Macintosh successfully? I've tried OSX Automator but it is not giving me results.