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Why won't my 2nd block leaderboard ads at the top show up?

KathyG 7 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Christine Masters 7 years ago 3

I added a block below the one that was there automatically in the template, and it shows up on the main page, but when you click on an article, it does NOT show up on the asset page?  Same goes for my GALLERY page albums and videos.  The 2nd leaderboard ad underneath the original one does not show up once you click on a photo album.

Christine Masters 7 years ago

Thanks for the quick response!  I JUST figured it out.  I've been working on it for 3 days... :-)  

The ad I had placed under the original block-leaderboard-ad had automatically been 1000px wide, which is too wide for that area on the asset pages.  It was also in the Index-top-featured content area.  I moved the 2nd ad block underneath the original block in the top global container - NOW IT WORKS!  



Thanks for responding so quickly...  I hope this helps someone else that needs MORE ad spots!


Feature Request: Add Publications within batch edit functions

Rod Guajardo 7 years ago in BLOX Total CMS 0

Would be great to be able to assign multiple assets to a publication/page (Publications) through the batch edit function. 

Oftentimes reporters and editors put assets into the system before a dummy is dropped and they know exactly what page an asset should be assigned to. This leaves folks having to open up each individual asset later in the day and assigning a page number to that asset if we want designers to take advantage of the budget tool within InDesign asset manager. 

Example: Opinion page items are put in earlier in the day when possible. This page isn't always in the same position each day, so the editor budgets every asset for the general publication and section but isn't able to assign a page number. Once dummy is dropped and we know the page, each asset (often 10 or more) has to be opened up and assigned a page number. 

If there was a way to assign publications/sections/page numbers to multiple assets at the same time that would be a great timesaver for reporters and editors alike, while also allowing designers to keep using the handy budget tool within ID. 


Webinar | What’s new in BLOX Total CMS

Cherry Wolf (Marketing specialist) 7 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated 7 years ago 1

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At our October BLOX Total CMS webinar, Jon Winters, product architect for BLOX Total CMS, will show off the system’s latest enhancements, including:

  • New Article Designer makes it easier to tell stylish mobile-friendly stories with drag-and-drop formatting and alignment.
  • Expanded batch upload capabilities simplify adding related assets and creating collections.
  • Improved syndication tool enables importing of CNN “wire” feeds and GeoRSS tags.
  • Enhanced AP support adds keyword visibility, and improved handling of underscores and headlines.
  • Updated Page Tracker restores support for automated purging of assets and assignments.
  • . . . and much more!
Under review

Allow an editor to enable ads for both sliding and vertical galleries OR either sliding or vertical galleries

Ashley 7 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Christine Masters 7 years ago 2

We would prefer to be able to enable ads for the vertical photo galleries only rather than for the sliding and vertical galleries. We find the sliding galleries are cumbersome and slow when ads are enabled, creating a frustrated user experience, however we do not have the same negative experience with the vertical photo galleries. We would enable this feature across the site if it were available to monetize with ads without having to include ads in the sliding galleries. 

Under review

Feature request: Default presentation styles for users

Beth OMalley 7 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 7 years ago 3

If we could set a user's default presentation style (just like we can set that their assets always get them listed as the author) for article assets, that would be very helpful. 


Two New Options On Pre-Roll Videos

Mark McGregor 7 years ago in BLOX Total CMS 0

On Pre-Roll Videos can you a time can you add two options:

1. Add a countdown clock so users can see how much longer the Pre-Roll is going to last
2. Add a skip button


Major Poll Asset bug

Kevin M. Cox 7 years ago in BLOX Total CMS 0

To our frustration, we've stumbled across a major shortcoming of Poll Assets this week.

Apparently any change to a poll asset (such as changing the section) resets the poll back to zero for all options. There is no warning in the GUI about this.

Also because the answer counts are not editable by the admin there is no way to restore the previous counts from the asset's revision history prior to the reset.

We're now stuck hoping that Town News engineering can merge the pre-reset and post-reset counts together for these assets so we aren't left with egg on our faces and the inability to announce these results to our readers.

• This behavior needs to be corrected. Admins should be able to change minor things about a poll asset without having the counts reset.

• Poll counts should be editable by admins, maybe ones with a certain level of permissions?

• As with other assets, there needs to be an easier way to restore a revision.

• As Jacki mentioned in this post, poll assets need an end date that stops collecting responses but still displays the results.

What other improvements to poll assets would y'all like to see?


Syndicated content / Live E-edition woes in TCMS

kyle rickhoff 7 years ago in BLOX Total CMS 0

1. What problem(s) does this idea solve?

We want to give SEO authority to a certain Bloxs website. However, we want the story to appear in print editions. Currently, PageTracker is auto-site tagging stories to the newspaper website. 

Does not have a process that retains TNCMS canonical URLs when passing through TCMS.

Does not have a process that allows/denies certain TCMS sections from PageTracker’s site tagging.

Does not have a process that allows PageTracker-site-tagged stories to be limited to the e-edition application.

Does not have a process that allows different rules for different site tags. (Do not publish on one site, Publish on another site)

This limits our ability to share print edition content across papers without creating duplicate stories or multiple canonical URLS.  

2. Why do you need this idea implemented? Provide as many problems or use cases as possible.

Montana sites would like to syndicate content across multiple TNCMS and TCMS sites.  

An editor can share stories across multiple websites and print editions from a TCMS asset. 

We are expanding our website portfolio. This includes building out niche sites outside of our newspaper brands. The goal is driving advertising and audience through topic-specific sites. 

MontanaUntamed is a hub and spoke distribution model. All the outdoors content created for the Montana newspapers are sent to this one domain, then the content (and canonical URL) is distributed across Montana, Lee and TN Content Exchange papers. 

Q: Since it is part of the billingsgazette.com Edition, wouldn't you want it to come from billingsgazette.local so the article would be linked up to the e-edition?

A: Preferably, yes. If we can't have both, we want to drive incremental revenue and audience through highly-monetized web pages over PDF pages with 1-ad behind a paywall. 

3. How often would you use this feature? Hourly. 

4. How many people in your organization would use this feature? Hundreds of editors and reporters.

PageTracker / canonical url / Syndication


Social share icons on long-form articles

Beth OMalley 7 years ago in BLOX Total CMS 0

When we make a story long form, the social share icons drop WAY to the very bottom of the article, instead of at the top near the byline/image.

For example: http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/st-louis-county-man-uncovers-long-forgotten-grave-of-officer/article_166d925b-76e9-5b56-bd0e-832672d6fe6b.html

versus: http://www.stltoday.com/lifestyles/health-med-fit/health/worry-grows-in-missouri-over-proposed-medicaid-cuts-effects-on/article_e8b0f1b8-c1c3-5e67-bb36-5df9bd149e6c.html

AND, at the bottom, they are very small. 

Can they be added back at the top of the article, under the byline perhaps?


Can search words be highlighted?

bennett 7 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Christine Masters 7 years ago 2

When clicking on an asset in search results, it would be extremely helpful if the words used in the search could be highlighted in some fashion. Make the text a different color, bold the text -- anything to help us find the search words quickly. An older system we had did just that.

Christine Masters 7 years ago

Thanks! I've added a feature request for this!


Feature Request: Have TotalCMS Asset Revisions show Delete / Un-Delete actions

Kevin M. Cox 7 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Christine Masters 7 years ago 2

While troubleshooting an issue I noticed that Delete and Undo Deletion actions are not logged in an asset's Revisions panel.

While we can deduce when this occurred, it would be immensely helpful if the system logged the point that an asset was deleted and then un-deleted and by whom. The text could go in the same place as when user's fill out the box to record a note on their save.

Under review

Auto refreshing a block (flex)

Ashley 7 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated 7 years ago 4

Has anyone implemented a block (flex) or ad block that auto refreshes just the content of that one block? If so, what method did you find that worked best?


Feature request: Drag and Drop - Asset Manager/InDesign

Scott Burden - Tupelo, MS 7 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Marcus Fitzsimmons 7 years ago 3

Our group is using dual monitor setups - it would be awesome to allow us to utilize "drag and drop" from BLOX Total CMS Asset Manager and InDesign. I have my working InDesign document on one screen, and my Asset Manager set to open on the other. Instead of clicking "OK" - it would be convenient to drag the asset (and whatever siblings) directly to the working page.


"Additive only" fields in TCMS

Beth OMalley 7 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 7 years ago 1

Customer support says that

teaser images


delete time/date

are additive only in TCMS -- so they will not prompt changes on the asset in CMS.

If a feature is additive only, that needs to be somehow noted in TCMS on each field, so that users know and remember.

Also, why are these fields "additive only" when they're fairly important ones that we need to change in both TCMS and CMS.

Under review

Feature Request: Prevent the Start Date/Time from being changed after an asset publishes

Kevin M. Cox 7 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by OA Ben Adams 7 years ago 14

I'll start by saying this is a request I shouldn't even need to make, but I have users who simply cannot understand the impact of changing the Start Time of an article after it has already been published online (e.g. 404 errors for readers following links from social media).

• I'd like an option to have the Start Date/Time of an asset frozen in TotalCMS, once the article has a Site Tag and that time has passed (meaning it has published online).

This would function exactly like the Start Date does in Banner Ads:

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This would prevent the accidental removal of an article from the website by users who don't understand exactly how it works. However the Do Not Publish checkbox would still be available for emergency situations when something needs to be taken down, but would require a much more conscious effort to engage.

What do y'all think? I can't be the only one who has face this problem.