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Slack integration

Erica Smith 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Robert Dundon 8 years ago 1

Any plans for a Town News-Slack integration? For example, a bot that would post a note when a new article asset was published.


BLOX Auto-Save Feature

Kevin M. Cox 8 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

Are there any plans for an auto-save feature inside the BLOX article asset editor?


I am having difficulty approving businesses, do I need to be an admin user to approve?

lcandela 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 8 years ago 2

I cannot seem to approve businesses, I have a list of businesses that are waiting approval and I cannot seem to accept or deny.


Hi Lizbeth,

To approve or reject new businesses and/or user claim requests you'll have to login to the BLOX admin and access the toolbar options in Business Directory.

Perhaps you saw these pending claims in our new email alerts? For more information about these new reminders you can read our release notes here.

It seems those pending claims & busineses were vetted today. Let me know if you have any additional questions.




BLOX Article Asset Print View w/ Cutlines

Kevin M. Cox 8 years ago in BLOX Total CMS 0

Our staff is really loving the ability to print assets directly from within BLOX (TotalCMS). They are using this as a proofing tool and it works much better than printing in our old system.

They do have one request though…

The print format that is generated (see attached images for clarification) includes child image assets. However it does not include the captions along with the images which seems like an important oversight.

Would be be possible to have captions included below the photos in this print view?

Image 143

Image 144


TCMS - Assignment tool

Lindy 9 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated 8 years ago 11

We are about to begin using the Assignment tool in TCMS for our newsroom. In testing, it appears that the only asset types that can be assigned are Article or Media - and media being ONLY a photo.

Is there a site setting to include other asset types? I could see this being useful for video assignments, graphics like PDFs, etc.


Rate Card Examples?

Brian Clark 8 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

We just launched our Town News site and we are in the process of learning all of the features and ad options available to us. We wanted to know if any other customers would be willing to share their digital rate cards so that we can see what others are doing with TN's capabilities.

Under review

Locked story warning

Erica Smith 9 years ago updated 8 years ago 6

It's very easy to get into a story that's locked by someone else, edit it and assume you can save those changes. That doesn't work, of course — the file is locked by someone else. There's a red warning at the bottom of the asset, but it's easy to skip — especially if you're starting at the top of an asset.

Anyone else interested in a more obvious warning? A pop-up would be very helpful to our editors: "This story is locked. Would you like to read it?" (Or something similar.)

Under review

Give an Article Asset a preview image, without assigning a child image asset?

Kevin M. Cox 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 8 years ago 4

Is there a way to assign a preview image to an Article Asset (which would show up on main site index pages) without assigning a child image asset?

Or alternatively, can I assign a child image asset for purposes of giving the article this preview, but not have the image show up on the article?

We’re doing a very graphically driven (charts) one-page special series and for the sack of load times I’m building them in HTML. My plan is to simply create an article asset and then use the HTML view to craft everything. They will have an image that I’ll pull in through the HTML.

I’d like to use that image as a preview for the article so it’ll show up on our main news index and our front page slideshow. Is there anyway to accomplish this?



Ability to display comments by section in utility recent comments

Jacki Gray 8 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

It would be great to have the ability to select the "content" for the Utility: Recent Comments template for Flex. Or could there be a version of the template or a setting that makes it dynamic?

For example, I'd like to display the five most recent comments to our Sports section content. Not the five most recent comments site wide.


Sharing an image collection to facebook

Sarah McCraley 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 3

When I share an image collection from our site to facebook - the post does not pull any image assets or even our logo into the post. When I share an article and individual images it works fine. See my screen shot of the two posts. The top is an image asset, the bottom post is a collection. We try to use collection assets throughout our site. It would be nice if the sharing of collections displayed consistently with the other types of assets.

Image 140

Christine Masters 8 years ago

Hi Sarah!

That article of the adorable sloth does have an og_image correctly associated, and it is the right size, so this appears to be a problem that was identified in this post here:


Essentially, especially on the first share, Facebook sometimes does not get the image due to async loading. This is a newish issue with Facebook, but they have a new method that we hope will fix it (which we are implementing in the next few weeks).

In addition, see my best practices in that link above. If you as an editor (or anyone in the newsroom) triggers a Facebook share when the page is not ready, Facebook will give an error which leads to the issue above.

We have several initiatives to workaround the scraping mechanism changes from Facebook. But for now, you can go to:

And run the URL through it a few times (until it should the proper preview at the bottom) and that will fix it. Obviously this is not ideal for every situation, which is why we are attempting to add more features to help workaround these Facebook issues.

Duplicate stories

Erica Smith 9 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Marcus Fitzsimmons 8 years ago 1

We have several publications, both online and in print. If we want to post the same story in two places online, it's no problem: Add another section tag, and the story appears on both sites (and redirects to the main story). Print is a different issue. Stories often are duplicated for print because headline space or story lengths are different.

So two possible solutions: Optional trims and headline fields for secondary and tertiary publications so everything stays in one file in TCMS. Then someone would have to figure out Or group those stories together in TCMS so copies have a child-like relationship to the parent — they're grouped in searches, and the "parent" or main story is always on top; the copies are listed below. Those copies aren't (OK, shouldn't be) published online. But it's easy to edit a headline on a copy, thinking you have the "real" story.



Webinar: Making money with FREE content

anonymous 8 years ago 0
At our April customer webinar, Tim Turner, Content Exchange program manager, will discuss ways to grow your bottom line with value added content and TownNews.com's Content Exchange program.

We'll cover:
  • Tips on making money from TownNews.com's FREE value added content options.
  • Best practices for using articles, videos and more from the Content Exchange program on your site.
  • How to encourage users to stay on your site longer and consume more content with recommendations.
  • Q&A session to follow the presentation.

Join us on Thursday, April 7th at 10:30 AM CDT.

Under review

Related News artciles on Marketplace Listings

Sarah McCraley 9 years ago updated 8 years ago 2

We relate funeral home marketplace listings to our obituary article assets. The business is related as a parent to the article.

The obituaries display with the businesses marketplace under the news tab, but they display with the oldest listing first. Is there a way to have the news articles display in order from newest to oldest?


Hi Sarah,

If you're relating these obituary articles to the business you can also re-order those assets per business under the Related tab to accomplish your preferred order. Hope that helps!


Under review

Broadcast for calendar events

Kim Mason BGDN 8 years ago updated by Christine Masters 8 years ago 1

Is there any way to use broadcast for calendar events? It lets me choose the calendar sections but since the events aren't in editorial assets I can't actually use it. When I go to them in community/calendar there is no broadcast option under the other tab.

This would be very beneficial to get the word out about events, so we'd like it added as a feature request.


Question: Changing section name

Maunette Loeks 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Nick 8 years ago 2

Just a question ... If I change the name of a section in the back end of Blox, will it wipe out all the content that was there.

Example: We have a section called "Entertainment." We are thinking "Features" would be more accurate and we could shuffle a couple of other things underneath it. Its been my experience in the past that changing the name wipes it out... Is this still the case.