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IPTC/XMP parsing improvements

Kevin M. Cox 5 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated 5 years ago 0

This is an extension of this old topic that I recently drug back up: https://community.townnews.com/communities/1/topics/625-set-author-on-photo-processed-through-jobs-folder

I just submitted a feature request (Ticket # 742706) for improvements to the parsing of IPTC/XMP metadata of photographs when they are imported into the system via FTP (a Job / Importer) or via the browser interface.

Currently only the following fields are parsed and automatically added to the image asset:

Description/Caption --> Caption

The Title --> Title

Creator --> Byline

Keywords --> Keywords

The highest priority addition we'd like to see is having the "Creator's CI: Email@1, Email@2 (ref2017.1)" or "Iptc4xmpCore:CiEmailWork" field be matched against system users and if found set as the Photographer/Author of the image asset.

An additional request would be to have the "City (Core) (ref2017.1)" field be matched against Geolocations in the BLOX system and automatically adding any that match.

Both of these would save our photographers a ton of time, especially crucial when filing on deadline. Right now they have to open the TCMS browser interface to make these changes whereas if they were done automatically they could avoid that step.

I know making changes to existing behavior won't be as easily considered, but I'd like to suggest changing the IPTC field used to populate the BLOX Byline field.

Currently it is the IPTC "Creator1 (ref2017.1)" field but I think using the "Credit Line (ref2017.1)" field would be more appropriate. The current behavior requires us to put the stylized byline format we'd like to see in the Creator field instead of the photographer's name.

The Credit Line field is the one intended to be used for that purpose:


Please let me know what y'all think.




Webinar | Ad Tech 101: Understanding ad trends, platforms, and positions

Cherry Wolf (Marketing specialist) 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 1

Webinar recording now available.

At our August customer webinar, Joe Hansen, Senior Product Manager for TownNews, continued our series on digital advertising. We discussed current trends—including an update on the impact of viewability—and where the future of digital advertising is headed.

Image 611

Topics included:

  • An overview of the TownNews iQ Ad Ops and Google Ad Manager 360 programs
  • Using HTML5 creative ad templates in Google Ad Manager
  • The differences between Fixed Ads, Smart Ads, Infinity Ads, and Automatic Article ads
  • . . . and much more!

Ready to get started? Watch it now.



dayforce 5 years ago in BLOX Total CMS 0

Ceridian Dayforce is an incredible partner,” says Julie Sedlock, group vice president of store operations at Aéropostale. “The company’s service resources have been outstanding and the team’s expertise runs deep. I’m impressed with their knowledge and responsiveness which speaks highly of both the quality of the organization and the application.”

Dayforce HCM features include:

Payroll and Tax - view, edit, fix and preview payroll in real-time, eliminating batch processing and trial run to ensure employees are compensated accurately and on time.

Workforce Management - plan and forecast labor requirements, align schedules with labor demand, and ensure accurate time tracking and compliance.

Benefits – Manage employee enrollment, calculate eligibility and support an unlimited number of plan types to administer accurate, compliant and accessible benefit plans across the organization.

Human Resources – use forms and workflows to communicate across the organization, access and manage key HR details, and enable employees to manage their work and life events.

Mobile – gain up-to-the-minute access to schedules and other aspects of employee records and unprecedented visibility into HR and operations from wherever employees are working.

Demonstrations of Dayforce HCM will take place at booth #2065 at the National Retail Federation Annual Convention & Expo on January 13 – 16, 2013 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York City. While visiting the Ceridian booth, NRF attendees can complete a HCM survey and be entered in a draw for a chance to win 1 of 3 Vespas.

During NRF a Powerhouse Panel featuring retail experts and Dayforce HCM customers: Pier 1 Imports, FGL Sports Ltd, True Religion Brand Jeans and Gordmans Inc., will share how they have influenced the way solution providers think of workforce management and human capital management.


Difficulties with Apple Podcast Connect validating podcast RSS feed

Rachel Minske 5 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 5 years ago 12

We are trying to get a podcast into Apple Podcasts, but have encountered a number of roadblocks. We continue to receive an error message from Apple that it can't "read our feed." A few Town News teams have diligently been working on this for us for several weeks, but we're still unable to get it validated. We are using the podcast player on our site. 

When we reached out to Apple, they said the reason why it can't validate our feed is because it does not have support for HTTP HEAD requests. 

Town News says at this time, it does not believe its the 400 request, partially because it does not allow those requests and it would affect all podcasts. 

Has anyone else ran into this/issues with Apple validating an RSS feed generated through Town News? If so, what worked for you? 


Excellent. Thanks for the feedback Rachel. I'm going to add a feature request to have the section tag selection be a drop-down instead of a text entry field after seeing how picky Apple is about that.


For Facebook Instant users, how are you getting your stories to update automatically?

Kyle Whitfield 5 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

Hi y'all,

For folks here using Facebook Instant, how are you forcing Facebook to update stories from the RSS feed you've submitted?

We notice a lot that a story that's been "Instant-ized" won't update automatically during the day as the story is updated/saved.

Curious to see if there's a solution someone has found. Thanks.


Is it possible to exclude an article from search engines?

Geordie 5 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Maureen Reinert 5 years ago 1

I am sure we are all getting more requests to take down articles that portray people in a bad light. And even though we are loathe to "rewrite history" by pulling stories off the site, we are sometimes sympathetic to people who are followed by minor past crimes like marijuana possession that now show up high on Google searches. Rather than pulling stories down entirely, can we simply exclude specific articles from search engine updates?


Feature request: Add batch editing of assets within a collection

Dave Ellis 7 years ago updated by anonymous 5 years ago 7

Don't know if this is the appropriate means for suggesting an improvement, but here goes. There really needs to be a batch edit option within a collection.

I just pulled in a collection through syndication from the Times-Dispatch that included over 100 images of Dale Earnhardt Jr. Since they were not flagged appropriately, the "Buy now" button was appearing on the majority of images. The images all had varied titles and slugs, so my only recourse in flagging them as AP or contributed was to open each file > select the appropriate flag > save and close.

Easy work, but time consuming and unnecessarily repetitive.

This type of situation happens at least a couple of times per week.

Adding a batch edit function to the collections would be an easy fix.


Cover art doesn't scale on mobile

Beth OMalley 5 years ago 0

Cover art presentation doesn't "scale" on mobile -- the image doesn't appear at full-width on the mobile screen. That behavior is not documented in the Town News documentation. It would be helpful if all behavior was documented: 



Calendar success stories

Kevin M. Cox 5 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by David Rouse 5 years ago 10

I'm looking for some examples and experiences from other papers who are successfully utilizing (or gave up on) the BLOX calendar feature of their sites.

Ours is currently empty: https://www.galvnews.com/calendar/

But we're looking to see how hard it would be to jump start it and then of course what opportunities there would be to monetize it.

I'd appreciate any thoughts, examples and/or experiences that y'all are willing to share.



NIE in digital age

Thomas Martinez 5 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Rich Griffin | Product Manager (Product Manager) 5 years ago 7

What are other sites doing with NIE? We no longer deliver papers to schools, instead giving them access to the E-Edition. We recently went to a metered pay wall, and don't want to give a bunch of accounts out. What are you doing? 


Hi All,

TownNews added official support for IP address white listing early 2019. Here is the help document for it
if you have questions our customer service team we be happy to assist.


Feature request: Ability to have separate SEO-only headline

Beth OMalley 5 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Chase Doak 5 years ago 1

It would be great to have an SEO headline field so we could customize headlines for search optimization.


Teaser image

Lindy Ritz 5 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 5 years ago 1

If you remove a 'teaser' image from an article in TCMS, and re-flow it up to Blox, it seems that the teaser image won't go away. You actually have to remove it from both system versions. Is that a bug?


Is there a most popular block for Email?

Marshall Hopkins 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 2

Or how would you create one out of the headline list block?


Removing flags from stories after a set time period

Thomas Martinez 5 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Alfonso 5 years ago 1

I can't find a solution to this, other than to set a block up to display something for only a certain time. But that still leaves a flag on a story.

I think it would be helpful if we can automate a way to take a flag off a story (for example, keeping a "breaking" flag on a story for only two hours) after a certain time frame, or to set it to last only a certain time frame.

Perhaps there's already a way for this, but I can't seem to find it. Anyone have any ideas?