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Though BLOX Digital representatives often participate in discussions, this is not a customer service site. For immediate help, call 800-293-9576 or submit a support request via our online ticketing system.


Adding elements to multiple sites

Seth Bromley 8 months ago in BLOX CMS updated 8 months ago 2

What is the best (fastest) way to add a story element to multiple sites? Or transfer an element from one site to a sister site? Right now I have to create the element for one site, export it to my hard drive as a bpm file, then import it to the other sites. It's a clunky and time consuming process for those of us who manage sites for multiple publications. Is there any way to do this more efficiently?


Feature Request: Require active subscription to post comments

Kevin M. Cox 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by rehman seowork 8 months ago 11

We're seeing a large increase in comment spam lately so I'd like to formally make the feature request for something that I know I talked to support about in the past. We require email confirmation when new accounts are created but obviously the spammers have automated their way around that.

I'd like an option to require an active subscription to post comments on the site. This offers numerous benefits to all Town News customers:

• Provides another perk or subscriber benefit to paying readers.

• Potential to increase Day Pass sales for those who aren't subscribers but really want to share their opinion or comment.

• Reduces comment spam to virtually zero.

I could see it being useful to allow this setting to be toggled per URL/section so that for example you could allow anyone to comment on obituaries but not news stories.

1. All of the items listed above.

2. Every day.

3. Every reader.

Please let me know if anyone has thoughts or questions!




How do I add a subhead to an asset?

Zoe 8 months ago in BLOX CMS updated by Joe Hansen (Product manager) 8 months ago 1


In the editorial Asset Editor, open your article and navigate to the "other" tab. You'll find fields for subhead, kicker, hammer near the bottom of the "miscellaneous" section.

Joe Hansen

Director of Solutions Support



Can't create polls

Maureen Reinert 9 months ago in BLOX CMS updated by Matt Baney 9 months ago 4

Is anyone else having issues creating poll assets? Every time we try to create a new poll we get the message "Preparing asset editor," and that's it.

Image 742

I'm wondering if this s something unique to us or is it a larger problem.


Hi Maureen - This appears to be a bug. Thank for your letting us know!  Please keep an eye out for release notes for a fix. 


Alternative web statistics?

ShorthornAdam 11 months ago in BLOX CMS updated 11 months ago 2

Has anyone moved away from using Google for site analytics?  We are thinking about migrating to a service like Plausible.io which we pay for vs. using Google for free and giving them info about all of our readers.  Plus, managing it appears to be an order of magnitude simpler.

Has anyone made this change? Any feedback or other services we should look into?


Can the Utility:Social Links module be updated with an X icon (instead of Twitter)?

ShorthornAdam 11 months ago in BLOX CMS updated 11 months ago 3

That's all!




Hi Folks - 

This logo will updated in various locations throughout the frontend in our next FLEX template release.

Once ready, this release will be posted here: https://www.bloxdigital.com/releases/

I'm currently anticipating week of 9.18.23 Thanks for your patience!


Remote work and on prem TCMS

Ashley 1 year ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Cody Dyer 1 year ago 1

We have an on prem TCMS appliance and we are trying to figure out a feasible way to allow our page designers to work at home without requiring VPN. The internet lag seems to be the biggest hurdle but we also struggle with giving access to the shared files without VPN. Is anyone doing this successfully and wouldn't mind sharing the setup? 


Allow URL Anchor or URL Query String to give direct access to promos instead of typing in promo code.

Jeff Sebestyen 1 year ago in BLOX CMS 0

I get that promo codes generally aren't very difficult, but as a tech guy at a newspaper I run into customers who just seemingly find a way to create unnecessary issues.   I think it would be neat to be able to add something in the Subscription URL so that the promo codes are already displayed.  

Example:   www.tdtnews.com/users/admin/service/purchase/?serviceid=478#RESUB would take you to the online-only subscription page, but the #RESUB or ?RESUB would activate the promo code without needing to type it in.  

Thank you, 


Pinned asset visual indicator if not yet live

Tim Munroe 1 year ago in BLOX CMS 0

New Blox user here.

I think it would be useful if a pinned asset in a block could show it was not yet live ... whether by icon, or a different colour shading. Yes, we can quickly edit the article to check its pub date/time, but it would be nice to see visually which pinned asssets aren't live.

Also, can the block be smart enough to show the maximum number of live articles? If we pin 5 live articles and 5 future articles into a 10-article block, the block shows it's full even though the block on the live site is pulling in 5 articles from query because 5 pinned articles aren't yet live.




Autosave feature would be useful

Karah 1 year ago in BLOX CMS 0

It would be great to have an autosave feature like in Google Docs. Being able to write in Blox makes the process faster, but not when you accidentally hit "cancel" instead of "insert," and that's from experience.


Add options for longform display

Brad Boner 2 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated 1 year ago 1

When placing assets in-line in Longform displays — particularly image and video assets — it would be nice if the "Inline display options" could be a little more robust. Right now for horizontal photos, the "default" and "full" widths display at the same size. Ideally, the "default" width would display images & video assets at 945px wide, and the "full" width option would display them at 1,140px wide (the same width that images display when the images asset is set to "Showcase". 

It would also be cool to have an option to "tile" images side by side, for instance have 2, 3 or 4 images display all in a single horizontal row across the 1,140 display area, and have their individual captions display beneath each image.

These options would give us more robust display options for long-form articles.