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Though BLOX Digital representatives often participate in discussions, this is not a customer service site. For immediate help, call 800-293-9576 or submit a support request via our online ticketing system.


Web services "template" docs?

A. L. Flanagan 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 9 years ago 1
The documentation for Blox-CMS web services at http://docs.townnews.com/kbpublisher/BLOX-CMS-Web-Services_6695.html lists modules that provide services, but when you add a webservice key to the site, you are able to enable a number of modules not listed in that document, including "template". Is there some other documentation for these modules as web services, or could I at least the get the API for "template"?
A web service that's not documented may as well as not exist.

Webinar recording: TownNews.com iQ sneak peek

anonymous 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 0
At our July 2015 First Thursday Webinar, Theresa Nelson (Director of Business Development) gave a sneak peek at our all-new data management program, TownNews.com iQ.

Image 83TownNews.com iQ gives you the power to segment your digital audiences for use in advertising, editorial, circulation and marketing—at an affordable price!

Highlights include:
  • Tracking users & collecting data across computers, smartphones and tablets
  • Boosting revenue while thrilling advertisers with targeted programmatic campaigns and direct local ad sales
  • Improving visitor satisfaction by analyzing preferences and recommending content that matches users' unique tastes
Click here to watch it today!

Would you like to see ability to exclude content in BLOX backend search?

Landon Hemsley 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 9 years ago 2
Right now you can filter down the content based on certain settings you set in the search terms window, but it's impossible to exclude content based on the settings in the search terms box. For example, if I want to see all content EXCEPT those that carry a certain flag, I can't do that. Or, if I want to see all content EXCEPT those that were written by a given author, I can't do that. Or, if I want to see all content published on any date EXCEPT between the specified range, I can't do that.

This would be very useful to me. Would it be for you?

Custom og:image for individual assets

Michael Becker 9 years ago in BLOX CMS 0
I'd be interested in knowing who else would find it useful to be able to upload a custom og:image (aka Facebook share image) at an asset level — rather than just having Blox select the first attached child preview as the og:image.

We have found a few situations where we think we could get a better reaction online if we were to do a "text on image" sort of social image with our postings. However, attaching an image like that would look horrible on the front-end display in Blox, where we'd want the real child image (or no image at all) to show up.

Anybody else think this'd be useful?

Enabling Rich Snippets for Reviews and Ratings to show star ratings in Google Searches

Kevin Smith 9 years ago in BLOX CMS 0
For movie and restaurant reviews it would be great to support the Rating microdata schema so our search results show up with star ratings.


Image 82

Banner Ad Position “Packages”

Kevin M. Cox 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Mary Shepard 9 years ago 1
I wanted to make a suggestion for a feature that I think would be a big help when deploying banner ads within BLOX.

I think it would be great to have the ability to create “packages” of ad positions that could all be assigned with a single click.

Our site has 18,315 available ad positions which means we have to use a list to make sure things get assigned in the right place, which doesn’t always happen. It would greatly simplify things if people could simply select “Position Package 1” and have BLOX then assign 20 different pre-selected positions for this ad.

Let me know what y’all think.
Under review

Search Editorial Assets by Keyword

Kevin M. Cox 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Landon Hemsley 9 years ago 7
Image 65I'd love to see an additional search field added into the Editorial Assets window to allow searching by Keywords.

Obviously you can use keywords in the Search Text box, but this doesn't always work well.

For example if we wanted to batch edit a keyword we've been using like "Mardi Gras 2015" we're going to run into issues. Not only will things with that keyword show up in results but so will everything else that might have that text in the story.

Having this new option would make it very easy to quickly pull up all results using the same keyword no matter which section of the site they were created under and then easily update the Keywords assigned to the assets as a batch edit.

Webinar: Turn your data into dollars with TownNews.com iQ

anonymous 9 years ago 0
Don't miss this month's webinar! We will be giving a sneak peek at our all-new data management program, TownNews.com iQ!
TownNews.com iQ gives you the power to segment your digital audiences for use in advertising, editorial, circulation and marketing--at an affordable price!

Media sites of all sizes can now take advantage of the same revenue- and audience-building tech that was once reserved for the 800-pound gorillas.

Image 81Topics will include:
  • Tracking users & collecting data across computers, smartphones and tablets
  • Boosting revenue while thrilling advertisers with targeted programmatic campaigns and direct local ad sales
  • Improving visitor satisfaction by analyzing preferences and recommending content that matches users' unique tastes
Ready to turn your data into dollars? Join us on Thursday, July 9th at 10:30 AM CDT.


Is there a way to change the icons on the "Subscriber Service Options" block?

Nick 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 9 years ago 0
Is there a way to change the little icons(http://scripts.bloxcms.com/app/images/icons/tn-common-icons.png) next to the corresponding subscription name? I have CSS access but not UTL access. My online subscriptions have newspaper icons beside them and that can be confusing.

Anyone post breaking news through email?

Nick 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 0
Do any of you use the feature where you email breaking news stories to a specific email and the BLOX system posts it as breaking news? Also what is your editing process for this?

In the past month has anyone else had a huge spike in their 403 errors in Google Webmaster Tools?

Nick 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 9 years ago 5
I've gotten a huge spike in 403 errors in Google Webmaster Tools since about May 21st. And 99% of those have "content/tncms/live/mysitehere.com" in the url. Has anyone experienced this or know about this issue?
Christine Masters 9 years ago
Hi there!

From what I can tell so far, this looks like a bug on our front-end templates. I scheduled a fix for it in our upcoming Zen release, so it should be available next week.

Let me know if this helps! Thanks!

Hiding Section Titles

Daniel Buford 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 9 years ago 1
Is there a way to hide a section title?
Christine Masters 9 years ago
On Zen templates (which most people have), you can hide them with CSS. You take the div ID:


and in combination with the section class in the html-container dev:


You could do something like this in your site.css:

.news #index-section-title {
display: none;

On Flex templates, our new responsive design themes, it is just a block you can delete.


"OR" statement in block query rules

Kevin M. Cox 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 9 years ago 2
I’m wondering if it would be possible to create a block that uses an “or” statement in it’s query rules.

For example:

Section = galveston
Geolocation = galveston

I’d like to be able to see assets that have either one of those properties returned in the results.

Christine Masters 9 years ago
Hi Kevin!

You can only do an "or" query within a specific rule. So, you can do section = news "or" sports, by creating one query rule with each of those items selected.

You can do an "and" query by selecting section = news AND (a separate rule) section = sports.

But, you can't currently do "or" queries for two different rule types.

We do have a feature request in for this already, but it is not currently roadmapped. It would require a large architectural change to implement. It could be something we look at more in the future, however.

Auto expire an asset flag

Kevin M. Cox 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Greg Wood 9 years ago 5
We have a problem here internally where someone will set the Breaking flag on a story and then we'll forget to remove it for hours. Obviously this could be solved by us doing a better job of remembering to check and remove the flag sooner.

That said, I'm wondering if a technical solution could be implemented. Would it be possible to have certain asset Flags set to auto-expire, or un-check themselves, after a set period of time? This would remove some of the need to babysit the site and allow editors to move on to other things.

Let me know what y'all think.

Section tags not showing up in Total CMS

Jen L 9 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Christine Masters 9 years ago 2
We're adding several different columnist pages for a couple of different sections. Everything is showing up okay on the front end, but we can't add the new section tags to the article assets from within Total CMS, only when we're in CMS (the new section tags aren't even showing up as options in TCMS). I've never done this before, so I might be missing a step. Is there any way to add the tags to TCMS so we can put them on from there instead of having to go into CMS?