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Static Email Blocks

Andrew McBride 9 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

Are there static blocks for email in the new email templates?

If not, can we get some for placing images and text (WYSIWYG)?


eEdition - Date Picker / Calendar / Advanced Search

Andrew McBride 9 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

We have request from readers to bring back the date picker on the eEdition index page and add one within the application itself.

Under review

Better control over length of asset preview/lead

Nick 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Andrew McBride 9 years ago 2
It would be nice to be able to set a number of characters for asset previews before getting the "More..." link. For instance we had a story today that's lead was "Knock it down." I see where I can limit the number of characters in the lead but not past the lead.

I realize the reporters/editors could be adding an online lead in the summary tab, but sometimes I feel like it's a good day if everything has the proper section tag and start date/time. Asking them to add this to their workflow will most likely be met with hostility. And I also realize I could go in and add my own lead to the offending assets, but so much in BLOX flows with such fluidity and ease...So why can't this?

If there's another way to do this please let me know.

Ad at the bottom of page

Nick 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 9 years ago 3

Is there an ad region like the Halloween ad at the bottom of this site?


If it doesn't load hopefully this screenshot will explain the location of the ad.

Image 98

It stays at the bottom of the page as the user scrolls. I've never seen this ad region so I suspect it is a custom template. But it would be nice to have it as a standard BLOX region.

Christine Masters 9 years ago

On our Flex templates we do have this as a built-in "block" ad type - we call it an anchor ad.

For Zen, we don't have anything built-in, but if you put in a Customer Support ticket, we have some example code that can help you with this. You'd have to do one size for desktop, and another for Touch 5.

And thanks Mike for your help! =)


Calendar RSS feed

Greg Wood 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Mike Stickler 9 years ago 2
Is there any way to get an RSS feed for calendar events to display the venue info and website links? Also, we'd like the full text to display.
Here's a sample feed from the calendar in question:
Under review

Sorting based on Last Modify Time

Shauna Rumbaugh 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 9 years ago 3

In the editorial assets manager, you can sort assets according to the Start Time but not Last Modify Time. If I do an upload on October 3 at 9:46 a.m., for example, it would be helpful to be able to sort by Last Modify Time to see all the assets that were in that upload so I can more quickly add them to different sections, add flags, etc. The uploaded assets often come through with different Start Times because of when they were created or placed for our print edition, but even when they all have the same Start Time they are scattered through the editorial assets manager. I can't do a Search based on the Last Modify Time either—only the Start Date. Can this functionality be added?


"Facebook Official" block not applying customizations

Nick 9 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

I'm trying to edit the "External: Facebook Official" block's template customizations but it doesn't seem to be responding to the changes. For instance, I'd like to not show the faces of people who like our Facebook page. So I turn off "Show Faces" but it still shows the faces. There's also a "Maximum rows" option that is supposed to limit the number of rows of faces to display. I set it to 0 and I still get a row of faces. If I switch the "Plugin type" to "Activity Feed" instead of "Like Box" I get nothing.

So I'm not sure if Facebook's code changed but the block doesn't seem to be responding to the same options it used to.


Chat Program Suggestions

Nancy Bennett 9 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 9 years ago 1

We miss the chat program from our old system. Can anyone suggest chat programs that they use with Total CMS?

Spell check suggestions are also welcome. Thank you.


Webinar: Get responsive with Flex Templates

anonymous 9 years ago 0

Image 97

At our November 2015 webinar we'll give an exclusive overview of our new Flex Templates! Flex Templates take advantage of modern tools like HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap to bring responsive design to your BLOX CMS site.

With responsive design, your site's layout, content and advertisements can dynamically adjust to fit your user's screen.

Topics will include:
- Faster load times increase user satisfaction, drive pageviews and boost SEO.
- Universal URLs make it easier to index and share your pages, no more mobile
only "m-dots!"
- Increase revenue with campaigns that span all devices or target specific screen sizes.
- Powerful management features make it easier than ever to change your site's layout, style
and color scheme.

Ready to get flexible? Join us on Thursday, Nov. 12th at 10:30 AM CST.

Under review

Two lines in Byline area

Kevin M. Cox 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Nick 9 years ago 8
Is there a way to have the Byline area display as two lines on the front-end of the site?

The field in BLOX obviously allows multiple lines to be entered, however it "compresses" them into a single line on the public side of the site as seen here:

Please let me know if there is a way to do this already or if not consider it as a feature request.



Flex and DFP

Craig V 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 9 years ago 1

Am I able to preview DFP Flex blocks? I don't see the ad firing in preview. I want to make sure I am implementing correctly before we are ready to launch. Top leader board only shows placeholder. https://admin-newyork1.bloxcms.com/burlingtoncountytimes.com/tncms/admin/action/main/preview/site/flexsystem/-/sports/


TotalCMS sharepoint icons

Kevin M. Cox 9 years ago in BLOX Total CMS 0

Here is just a fun little feature request to give the TotalCMS appliance a little personality for Mac OS X users. This should have no effect on Windows users either way.

By default mounted server volumes show up with a generic icon.

Image 95

Besides being boring, leaving it this way makes it harder to distinguish between mounted share points quickly. As such we’ve got custom icons assigned to all servers in the company.

I whipped up some Town News icons (and grabbed the purple one from the web) to use for our install as seen here:

Image 96

Unfortunately every so often the appliance wipes them out and they revert back to generic icons.

So my “it doesn’t really matter at all, but would be kinda fun feature request” is for y’all to create some custom icons that are included on the appliance by default. That or just set it so the system will leave customer applied icons in place.

They are stored on the root of the share as an invisible INCS file just named: .VolumeIcon.icns

Let me know what y'all think!

Under review

Marketplace App

Kit 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 9 years ago 3

Has TownNews thought about creating an App that is just the Marketplace?


Poll assets with related links

Nick 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 9 years ago 2

Is there a way to link an article assets within a poll asset? For instance in a poll about privatizing ambulance service, can I link the story we wrote about privatizing ambulance service? I tried adding a related child article asset and a related link but it doesn't display anywhere.

Christine Masters 9 years ago

Hi Nick!

This is a feature in our new templates. When are you moving to Flex? :)

Here is an example: http://www.flex-showcase.bloxcms.com/news/have-you-participated-in-the-als-ice-bucket-challenge/poll_c4cb2da3-b020-541d-b51a-de7f2470d66f.html


AP flag overwrites bylines

Greg Wood 10 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Christine Masters 9 years ago 7
We've noticed that whenever a story has an AP flag set, as all of our wire service stories do, anything in the byline field will get overwritten by "Associated Press." Often these are not even AP stories. Could there be a way to force the byline field onto the article if there is one?