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Any way to disable Amp for just one specific story/url?

Alex Devoid 5 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

When we embed HTML assets in article assets these html assets are only shown as links on Amp pages. Is there a way to disable Amp for specific articles in which the HTML asset is integral to the story?


Poll Results

Gannon Boone 5 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 5 years ago 1

I think poll results need to be hidden while the poll is still live. 


Customize Form Appearance

Kara Johnson 5 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Aidian 5 years ago 2

What I thought is a simple change but I can't find anything related- I'm looking to remove the drop shadow on my form headers. I saw other TownNews customers sites without a drop shadow and wanted to do the same. On here is a picture of a current form for us with the drop shadow. Thank you!

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Freature Request: Form Success Page/Messages

Victor Jackson 5 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

When a user signs up for any email reach newsletters, they are greeted with a blank page reading only "Thank You" after completing the signup.

There is no link to return the user to the home page, there is no site navigation, or branding, or ads. 

When a user signs up for a newsletter, there should be an option to redirect them to a site page, or static page. 

This can be accomplished by adding a "Landing Page URL:" or "Thank You Page URL:" field to the Edit List dialog for individual campaigns. 

Under review

Does anyone know what the pricing and profit sharing is for photo sales through Town News?

mcgregora 5 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 5 years ago 12

We currently use My Capture but would switch for the convenience if the potential income was comparable.


Switching comments to Disqus

Jesus Sanchez 5 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 5 years ago 0

Hello. I'm considering switching from TownNews commenting system to Disqus to see if we can increase engagement. Has anyone else done something similar? Did it increase the number of comments? Is it easy to manage?


Social icons missing from user profiles

Kevin M. Cox 5 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 5 years ago 3

We just noticed that the usual social media icons (Twitter, Instagram, etc.) are missing from our staff's user profile pages.

e.g. https://www.galvnews.com/users/profile/johnferguson/

Did something change with BLOX to remove them or did I accidentally turn them off somewhere?


Kevin, after looking a bit more, that is actually a bit of overreach on our move to reduce privacy data on users that is exposed. The intent was for this to remain for admin users. This change happened with Flex 3.145. I'm going to look into having it restored for admin users.


Sibling Asset Display Order

Kevin M. Cox 5 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

Right now Sibling assets in the left rail of an article display in chronological order, with oldest at top and newest at bottom.

Is it possible to reverse this order, or even better have the siblings display in the order they are attached to the article asset?

For us at the moment it would be more preferable to have the newest sibling article at the top of the list, while also keeping the older stuff listed, just down lower. But the ability to customize the order would be great.

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Exclude ads in specific articles

mamundson 5 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Troy Sporcic 5 years ago 5

We have a local business news page, where we have articles on the latest business news in our and surrounding communities. A recent article announced the addition of a 3rd dentist to a practice (who is also a big client of ours). A competitors ad was showing up in this article. The ad was an ROS position. The dental practice asked us to remove the ad from their article, and threatened pulling advertising. Without moving the position of the ad, there is no current way to exclude them from the article.

We would love for the option to exclude specific ads in articles. This would solve the problem when a competitors ad shows up in an article. We risk losing annual money from either business if they do show up on the same page. This option would be used periodically when we encounter situations like this, but is invaluable.


Just to update this, there is no way to exclude ads based on keywords in the Blox Ad Manager, nor will that be supported. Your best option to do this is to move to Google Ad Manager.


Webinar recording now available | 20+ secrets for digital revenue growth with TownNews

Cherry Wolf (Marketing specialist) 5 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 5 years ago 1

Webinar recording now available

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At TownNews, our number one goal is to empower YOU to generate revenue with your digital presence. At our September customer webinar, Christine Masters, director of product management, highlighted more than twenty insider secrets for making more money with TownNews.

From simple tweaks you can make to your site, to additional programs you might not be participating in, we’ve got more ways than ever to grow your digital revenue. You can’t afford to miss this webinar.

Ready to get started? Watch it now.


What is the url for a specific asset in our Blox (Flex) CMS?

Ashley 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Sweet Zzz 5 years ago 4

Hello, I'm new to TownNews and Blox so forgive the simple question, but how can I get/find a direct url to an individual asset thats hosted in our Blox (Flex) CMS? For example, if I batch import a bunch of pdfs and then search for them in the CMS, I'd like to be able to add a text link to one of them in another CMS for those viewers but I am unclear what the url is for that specific asset. Thanks for your help!

Christine Masters 8 years ago

Hi there!

I think the easiest way is to go to the asset, then click on "live view" (under the "preview") button. It will open the live page and you can get the URL from there.

As soon as the asset is saved and publishable, you can get the URL from the live view link. Even before it shows up on the front page or on other pages. So, this is actually a good way to get a URL in order to send it to an email or other places quickly, because it is immediately available.

However, this is how you would link to the PDF page. We would highly caution against linking directly to any binary element, whether it is a photo or a PDF or a video, because sometimes those storage URLs change and will cause broken links. It is pretty rare, but the URL of the files themselves (not the asset URL, but the binary file) may change.


generate a private/preview link for a non-published asset

David Dierker 5 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Jesus Sanchez 5 years ago 1

Getting more and more requests to provide non-employee/non-admin access to review and proof an article (or other) asset.

Creating an admin user with no groups seems like a (less than optimal) work-around.

What are other's doing for this?

Under review

Follow a Section

Matthew Pierce 5 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Joe Hansen (Product manager) 5 years ago 1

We have multiple subscribers asking for the ability to "follow" (receive notifications when assets are posted to) a section. This would enable a notification to the subscriber whenever, for example, a new article is posted in the local sports section. Would your subscribers use this feature if it existed? Have you found a way to use existing functionality to accomplish the same end result? Thanks!


Image presentation only in thumbnail

Joel Kight 5 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 5 years ago 2

Is there a way to add a presentation mode for a thumbnail only image that does not show in the article body? We would use it for stock images that show on the home page but when you click on the article, it won't show since it is not directly relevant to the article.

Maureen Reinert 5 years ago

I think you can do what you want by putting a teaser image on the article and not using the image on the article as a child asset. The child assets will show on the article, but the teaser image will only show in the block that you have on the page.

For example:

(Ignore the fact that images don't fit, I just threw some logos on there because they were the images I had handy.)

This is where the teaser image goes on the article

The actual child image is a different logo that shows up at the top of the article

This is what the article looks like in a grid on the page

Does that help you do what you want?


Difficulties with Apple Podcast Connect validating podcast RSS feed

Rachel Minske 5 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 5 years ago 12

We are trying to get a podcast into Apple Podcasts, but have encountered a number of roadblocks. We continue to receive an error message from Apple that it can't "read our feed." A few Town News teams have diligently been working on this for us for several weeks, but we're still unable to get it validated. We are using the podcast player on our site. 

When we reached out to Apple, they said the reason why it can't validate our feed is because it does not have support for HTTP HEAD requests. 

Town News says at this time, it does not believe its the 400 request, partially because it does not allow those requests and it would affect all podcasts. 

Has anyone else ran into this/issues with Apple validating an RSS feed generated through Town News? If so, what worked for you? 


Excellent. Thanks for the feedback Rachel. I'm going to add a feature request to have the section tag selection be a drop-down instead of a text entry field after seeing how picky Apple is about that.