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Though TownNews.com representatives often participate in discussions, this is not a customer service site. For immediate help, call 800-293-9576 or submit a support request via our online ticketing system.
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3 easy ways to boost your BLOX CMS site's SEO
To attract advertisers and make a buck, your site needs traffic. Lots of it. There are many ways to bring in eyeballs, but one of the most important is still making sure your content shows up early and often in search engine results. Click here for three painless ways to boost your content's SEO using BLOX CMS.
Under review
Contest application
Christine Masters 11 years ago
updated by Aaron Gillette (Marketing Director, TownNews) 10 years ago •
Create a new contest application that allows customers to create new contests such as: Best of the Region, Cute Baby Contest, Best City, etc. It could tie into the Business Directory as a great addition to that product.
Subscription Transactions
Why do subscription transactions not get listed with other subscriptions (marketplace/subscriptions program)
I had to finally tell our accounting department (and give them access) to use the analytics program to verify revenue for subscriptions. I have a funny feeling the same will be true when we fully turn Ad-Owl on as well.
I had to finally tell our accounting department (and give them access) to use the analytics program to verify revenue for subscriptions. I have a funny feeling the same will be true when we fully turn Ad-Owl on as well.
Persons Asset
One of the projects that I have on my list is a reference guide for medical professionals and health care facilities. The health care facilities are easily done by using your business directory.
After using the election stats program I was thinking that a similar asset for people would be handy to display contact information and other relevant information about the person. (I do not want our business directory filled with non-businesses)
After using the election stats program I was thinking that a similar asset for people would be handy to display contact information and other relevant information about the person. (I do not want our business directory filled with non-businesses)
Under review
When Creating an Employee under 'User'; I would like to see Edit HTML Source on the TAGLINE field.
When Creating an Employee under 'User'; I would like to see Edit HTML Source on the TAGLINE field. This way I can be positive that at the end of each story, the authors email and hyperlink and font size is just right.
Webinar: Introduction to BLOX Tributes
This week we're rolling out BLOX Tributes, a new add-on for BLOX CMS that helps you commemorate your community's most important milestone events. Create sections dedicated to obituaries, births, anniversaries, weddings, graduations, cards of thanks and more. All ways to build traffic and offer lucrative advertising opportunities.
And unlike some third-party obit sites, BLOX Tributes bulletins are hosted on your site, and the ad inventory is yours to sell!
To learn more about BLOX Tributes, join us for a webinar on February 20th at 10:30 AM CST. Click here to register! Ready to order? Contact your sales representative for more information.
And unlike some third-party obit sites, BLOX Tributes bulletins are hosted on your site, and the ad inventory is yours to sell!
To learn more about BLOX Tributes, join us for a webinar on February 20th at 10:30 AM CST. Click here to register! Ready to order? Contact your sales representative for more information.
Search option
Ellen Moseley 11 years ago
updated by Aaron Gillette (Marketing Director, TownNews) 11 years ago •
Is there a way to search for assets with a start date of "today," such that you can save a search called "Today's stories" or something similar without having to change the date each day? If it's there, I'm just not seeing it. Thanks!
Searching answer
vehicles featured search question
Is there a setting that makes the Classified: vehicles featured search display the dealerships alphabetically instead of a random order?
Ad Targeting
Does anyone know how to target an ad based on vehicle make in the vehicle vertical?
Inventory Forecasting
april bunch 11 years ago
updated by Patrick O'Lone (Director of Software Development) 11 years ago •
Can you please add a feature showing how many impressions are still available for our teams to sell, via the forecasting window in our Banner Ad System, since this is not currently available? Thanks!
Connected Services/Broadcast
Jason Schaefer 11 years ago
updated by Patrick O'Lone (Director of Software Development) 11 years ago •
Can Google+ be added to this? It would be sweet to broadcast some of our content to our google+ page as well as our facebook/twitter.
Author for YouTube Asset
Is there anyway you can add a way to add an author option to the youtube asset? Right now I've noticed our people have been using the batch edit screen to add this information to the asset. (Used for finding a video by a specific videographer)
New Check box sectioning
Jason Schaefer 11 years ago
updated by Patrick O'Lone (Director of Software Development) 11 years ago •
It would be nice to add a clear button for the new section system. I am often hearing complaints from our copy desk and editors about incorrect sections being included because they are so used to the old method. Right now they are having to find the active check boxes and uncheck them when they change sections on upload.
Patrick O'Lone (Director of Software Development)
11 years ago
Support for clearing sections has now been added and is deployed.
Help button gone from Template Editor?
Michael Becker 11 years ago
updated by Aaron Gillette (Marketing Director, TownNews) 11 years ago •
Where did the help/template reference button go in the template editor? It's missing...
Find Assets idea
Jason Schaefer 11 years ago
updated by Aaron Gillette (Marketing Director, TownNews) 11 years ago •
I would love to see the 'Saved Searches' code added to the Find Assets popup.
Just one example: I have specific shared searches saved for our weekly user submitted photo contest. (easy way for our graphics department to grab the user submitted photo for the printed paper)
We change our homepage on Friday to showcase the winning photograph. We will typically pin the winning photos so that we can have the old photo unpin at a specific time (By the way.... very thankful the unpin at a specific time feature)
Unfortunately I have to manually search for those photos (contributed, specific folder, asset type, date range) to pull up that week's photos. It would be so much easier to just pull up my saved search and get to the photos and pin the winner.
Just a thought... Jason
Just one example: I have specific shared searches saved for our weekly user submitted photo contest. (easy way for our graphics department to grab the user submitted photo for the printed paper)
We change our homepage on Friday to showcase the winning photograph. We will typically pin the winning photos so that we can have the old photo unpin at a specific time (By the way.... very thankful the unpin at a specific time feature)
Unfortunately I have to manually search for those photos (contributed, specific folder, asset type, date range) to pull up that week's photos. It would be so much easier to just pull up my saved search and get to the photos and pin the winner.
Just a thought... Jason
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