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For Facebook Instant users, how are you getting your stories to update automatically?

Kyle Whitfield 5 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

Hi y'all,

For folks here using Facebook Instant, how are you forcing Facebook to update stories from the RSS feed you've submitted?

We notice a lot that a story that's been "Instant-ized" won't update automatically during the day as the story is updated/saved.

Curious to see if there's a solution someone has found. Thanks.


Is it possible to exclude an article from search engines?

Geordie 5 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Maureen Reinert 5 years ago 1

I am sure we are all getting more requests to take down articles that portray people in a bad light. And even though we are loathe to "rewrite history" by pulling stories off the site, we are sometimes sympathetic to people who are followed by minor past crimes like marijuana possession that now show up high on Google searches. Rather than pulling stories down entirely, can we simply exclude specific articles from search engine updates?


Calendar success stories

Kevin M. Cox 5 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by David Rouse 5 years ago 10

I'm looking for some examples and experiences from other papers who are successfully utilizing (or gave up on) the BLOX calendar feature of their sites.

Ours is currently empty: https://www.galvnews.com/calendar/

But we're looking to see how hard it would be to jump start it and then of course what opportunities there would be to monetize it.

I'd appreciate any thoughts, examples and/or experiences that y'all are willing to share.



NIE in digital age

Thomas Martinez 5 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Rich Griffin | Product Manager (Product Manager) 5 years ago 7

What are other sites doing with NIE? We no longer deliver papers to schools, instead giving them access to the E-Edition. We recently went to a metered pay wall, and don't want to give a bunch of accounts out. What are you doing? 


Hi All,

TownNews added official support for IP address white listing early 2019. Here is the help document for it
if you have questions our customer service team we be happy to assist.


Removing flags from stories after a set time period

Thomas Martinez 5 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Alfonso 5 years ago 1

I can't find a solution to this, other than to set a block up to display something for only a certain time. But that still leaves a flag on a story.

I think it would be helpful if we can automate a way to take a flag off a story (for example, keeping a "breaking" flag on a story for only two hours) after a certain time frame, or to set it to last only a certain time frame.

Perhaps there's already a way for this, but I can't seem to find it. Anyone have any ideas?


Webinar | What's new in BLOX CMS

Cherry Wolf (Marketing specialist) 5 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 5 years ago 1

Webinar recording now avaiable

What’s new in BLOX CMS

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Become a master of efficiency and automation with the latest updates from TownNews. At our June customer webinar, Christine Masters, director of product management, will highlight the most exciting new features from the latest major release of BLOX CMS.

What’s new:

  • Super batch processing makes it a snap to update a large selection of assets.
  • New promotional button block lets you create dynamic, trackable text buttons.
  • New map vendor give you an alternative to Google Maps, no credit card required.
  • . . . and more!

Ready to get started? Watch it now.

Under review

Feature Request: "Featured" Comments (Comment ID)

Ian McPhee 5 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by anonymous 5 years ago 5

I've submitted a ticket about this but would like to see how many other would find this useful.

We would like the ability to "feature" a comment on pages other than articles. With the increased focus industry-wide on a more engaged journalistic approach, this is something I think all TN customers would find useful. For us, the reader has become much more involved in every step of our writing process. We want to combat the recent "don't-read-the-comments" mantra that has become so commonplace.

Ideally, there would be a block that can pull in or pin Comments just like blocks can with Assets. This would allow us to have various blocks that show the latest comments in every section on the homepage, or every comment in a given section, for example.

I thought this might also be possible somehow by embedding the comment as a "widget". I played around with Google Console and was able to pull the html for a comment and paste that into an html block to pull it in, which obviously isn't ideal for several reasons (if the user edited their comment, that wouldn't be reflected, for example). But I didn't see anything like a "comment id" in the code, or in the Comments feature in general anywhere, which is how I would assume this would be done.

Has anyone done something similar or want to do this as well but can't figure out a way?

Under review

Trouble setting up Notifier

Robert Armstrong 6 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Doug Green (Product Manager) 5 years ago 17

I followed the instructions listed here to set up Firebase and connect it to BLOX. But when I send the test push notification, nothing happens. The error in the log says "The caller does not have permission."

I deleted my keys and redid everything from the start, and same thing. Don't know where I should look or what I need to do to get it to work. Anyone have a similar problem, or any ideas on how to fix it?


Feature Request: Notifier - Inclusion rule: author

Ian McPhee 5 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 5 years ago 3

I got Firebase / Notifier all set up this morning but was disappointed when I got to this window and saw that I couldn't set notifications to be sent based on Author. I don't love the "Follow Notifications" feature, so my plan was to set up each Author as a Topic in Notifier and encourage folks to follow writers that way instead. For now I'm going to use includes: Keyword and have my writers keyword their articles with "#theirname" but I would love to not have to do that. 

Anyone else think this would be useful? I'm submitting a ticket as well.

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Christine Masters 5 years ago

This is on our roadmap for Notifier!


Login session cookies that work after a browser has closed

Amanda 5 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Joe Hansen (Product manager) 5 years ago 1

We've had several users complain that they have to keep logging back in to our website to view more articles. The login session cookies for our website last as long as the browser is open but I was wondering if we could get an option to have a login session cookie that lasts for a couple of days or even hours after a user logs in. I know a lot of websites have this capability and I think it would help with our user interface.


Amanda, this does already exist. You'll need to enable the "remember me" feature for login. I'd recommend setting it to "disabled at users option" which means by default it will be on. Check out the docs here: https://help.bloxcms.com/knowledge-base/applications/settings/users/workspace/article_a8b8751e-2bf3-11e5-a626-df030e819425.html


Allow users to register while creating a new subscription

Rob Weir 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Mike Stickler 5 years ago 16

Hi there -- our newsroom has been frustrated for awhile with the logic in the subscription module that requires users to register for the newspaper's website before buying a subscription. It's creating a bit of friction when e.g. we want to give out a complimentary subscription to an advertiser or other user, and is also a difficult workflow for some of our users if they don't get a confirmation email for registration. 

I understand the logic of registration being different from subscription status; and I also understand the internal logic of someone needing a registration before they buy a subscription. However, I'm wondering if the subscription page could be streamlined, either to allow people to register while buying a subscription or to create a user registration record as part of a new subscription (that is, prompt for a username when purchasing a subscription). 

Thoughts on that? 


Limiting subscriptions by zip code

Rob Weir 6 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Mike Stickler 5 years ago 2

Hi all, 

We currently sell print and digital subscriptions online, and are considering doing print only, but there doesn't seem to be a way inside the Blox circulation system to limit print subscription offers by zip code (like most papers, we only deliver to a certain amount of zip codes and have mail subscriptions outside our circulation area). Our older online circulation system limited the print offer by zip code. 

Has anyone run into this, and if so, is there a solution for it? 

thanks, Rob 


Hi Rob,

We have a feature request in to add this to our paywall software. I don't have a timeline for it as of yet, but there is a workaround in the interim. Please start a ticket with our customer support folks and they will be able to help you.


Is anyone using LiveIntent in their newsletters?

Maureen Reinert 5 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 5 years ago 1

We are wondering if anyone has ever done anything with integrating LiveIntent (https://support.liveintent.com/hc/en-us/articles/217205726) into newsletters.

If anyone is using this, we love to find out how the integration went and what you think of LiveIntent.

Christine Masters 5 years ago

Hi Maureen!

We are just about to launch an integration with a different vendor, but they provide programmatic email ads for BLOX Email Reach.

Due to the multiple "phases" that an email goes through (from us, to our email vendor, to the email software) there are many parts that all need to work in harmony - so this was a somewhat difficult integration to pull off.

That being said, we are doing beta tests this month, and hope to launch in the next few weeks. As part of the program, you get several blocks with different ad sizes, and you just use them throughout your newsletters as you see fit.

I will respond to your CRM ticket if you would like more information.

If anyone else is interested in beta testing, let your sales rep know - we can probably take one or two more. Otherwise, be on the look out for more information as this program launches in a few weeks. =)


Option to show number of times an article is viewed

Linda 5 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Kim Mason BGDN 5 years ago 4

Dear Town News, currently we have the option of showing how many comments an article receives, would it be possible to show how many times an article has been viewed? We have the block that shows most popular, might be a nice option to show how many people read a story. Many thanks