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Under review

Sorting based on Last Modify Time

Shauna Rumbaugh 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 9 years ago 3

In the editorial assets manager, you can sort assets according to the Start Time but not Last Modify Time. If I do an upload on October 3 at 9:46 a.m., for example, it would be helpful to be able to sort by Last Modify Time to see all the assets that were in that upload so I can more quickly add them to different sections, add flags, etc. The uploaded assets often come through with different Start Times because of when they were created or placed for our print edition, but even when they all have the same Start Time they are scattered through the editorial assets manager. I can't do a Search based on the Last Modify Time either—only the Start Date. Can this functionality be added?


"Facebook Official" block not applying customizations

Nick 9 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

I'm trying to edit the "External: Facebook Official" block's template customizations but it doesn't seem to be responding to the changes. For instance, I'd like to not show the faces of people who like our Facebook page. So I turn off "Show Faces" but it still shows the faces. There's also a "Maximum rows" option that is supposed to limit the number of rows of faces to display. I set it to 0 and I still get a row of faces. If I switch the "Plugin type" to "Activity Feed" instead of "Like Box" I get nothing.

So I'm not sure if Facebook's code changed but the block doesn't seem to be responding to the same options it used to.

Under review

Two lines in Byline area

Kevin M. Cox 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Nick 9 years ago 8
Is there a way to have the Byline area display as two lines on the front-end of the site?

The field in BLOX obviously allows multiple lines to be entered, however it "compresses" them into a single line on the public side of the site as seen here:

Please let me know if there is a way to do this already or if not consider it as a feature request.



Flex and DFP

Craig V 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 9 years ago 1

Am I able to preview DFP Flex blocks? I don't see the ad firing in preview. I want to make sure I am implementing correctly before we are ready to launch. Top leader board only shows placeholder. https://admin-newyork1.bloxcms.com/burlingtoncountytimes.com/tncms/admin/action/main/preview/site/flexsystem/-/sports/

Under review

Marketplace App

Kit 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 9 years ago 3

Has TownNews thought about creating an App that is just the Marketplace?


Poll assets with related links

Nick 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 9 years ago 2

Is there a way to link an article assets within a poll asset? For instance in a poll about privatizing ambulance service, can I link the story we wrote about privatizing ambulance service? I tried adding a related child article asset and a related link but it doesn't display anywhere.

Christine Masters 9 years ago

Hi Nick!

This is a feature in our new templates. When are you moving to Flex? :)

Here is an example: http://www.flex-showcase.bloxcms.com/news/have-you-participated-in-the-als-ice-bucket-challenge/poll_c4cb2da3-b020-541d-b51a-de7f2470d66f.html


in page links

Aidian 9 years ago in BLOX CMS 0
Does anyone know if it's possible to include an 'in-page' or 'id' link in a BLOX asset. I mean a link where like this: <a href="#IDHERE"> as opposed to linking another page. When I try and do it I get a 403 forbidden error. Thanks!
Under review

Support for USER ID tracking in Goggle analytics

Mike Stickler 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Doug Hardy 9 years ago 7
Google analytics supports the use of a non-personally indentifiable indentifier to be sent from sites that support logins. When this is done it does a better job of tracking unique users and allows sessions to be stitched across browsers and platforms (user 8675309 pulled up this article on his phone and then 3 minutes later he continued his session on a pc). 

More information is here:
and here

There's more to it than just changing the Google javascript. ToS would need to change and the ability to Opt out would need to be added to user's self service pages.  

Redirects for URLs and their children

Nick 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Mike Stickler 9 years ago 1
Hopefully this will be an easy answer...Is there a way to have a redirect for a url and any of its children in BLOX? For example I want thebrunswicknews.com/oldurl as well as thebrunswicknews.com/oldurl/story1, thebrunswicknews.com/oldurl/story2, thebrunswicknews.com/oldurl/this-is-just-another-page, etc to be redirected to my home page without having to make redirects for each one.

It would be even better if I don't have to create a new URL in the BLOX URL map for the redirects too, so they don't clutter the URL map.

The reason I'm asking is because Google Webmaster Tools keeps finding URLs from my old site and our BLOX site is almost a year old.

Asset Index: Main Index blocks not showing flags

Nick 9 years ago in BLOX CMS 0
I'm trying to get flags to show up with some of our Asset Index: Main Index blocks but I'm not having any luck. The documentation says:

Setting this property to true will display flags under the headlines. Setting this property to false will hide all flags under the headlines.

When this property is set to "true", details such as the section, flags, posted date, publish date, updated date, and the comment count will display.
So I've set both to true and still no flags. If I switch it to another block style like Headline List I get the flags but the look isn't what I want. Am I missing something or is it an error in the code?

Smartphone app and broadcasting

David 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Nick 9 years ago 1
I don't find a smartphone app to use for uploading content. In using the mobile version through my phone's Safari web browser, while I can upload a story or photo/video asset and select under what section categories I want it to publish, I don't see where at the same time I can broadcast it to our social media settings, so I don't get that boost, or audience, until I go back to desktop, open the asset and select broadcast. Or am I missing something? Thanks in advance.
Under review

Cropping image in Touch 5 Mobile: Mobile Main

Nick 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 9 years ago 5
Am I missing where the option is to crop the image that goes with this block? This is what we get. I realize it's responsive, but if someone has that size mobile device it's going to look bad.

Image 90

Also, the "truncate lead" and "additional paragraphs" only seem to display on the phone version of the site. The tablet version only displays the image and the headline. As it is now it looks like, in the example above, the "Pet maintenance" story belongs to the "Pet ER" story above it, but that isn't the case. They are two separate stories.
Under review

AAM Tracking Reports

Kevin M. Cox 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 9 years ago 4
Our Circulation Director is excited about the new AAM reporting feature. I'm wondering if it would be possible to have a feature that would automatically email the reports instead of placing them on the FTP server?

Page curl ad position - convert to HTML5, or use jquery.

James W 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 9 years ago 2
I understand this is an antiquated ad position, but can this be converted to HTML5 or use jquery? It would also probably be lighter on the page loads.

Editing e-edition segments?

Greg Wood 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Nick 9 years ago 1
We have to do a lot of cleanup after the automatic segmenting and it seems to me there should be a way to edit a segment, that is change the asset it points to, or change it from a cutout to a segment that links to an asset, without removing it and starting over. At least there should be a way to tell from looking at the segments what kind they ares and where they are linking to. Or am I missing something? Just a minor annoyance.