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Under review

Has anyone had any "cache-busting" errors returned when they view a page?

Nick 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 9 years ago 2
I've got a customer who is trying to view my website but he can't view the stories because it gives him a "cache-busting detected" error on the page. The issue originally started when he attempted to send a link to his friend. He first tested the link in his email before sending it to his friend which is when he got the error.

This is the link he sent:

I notice it has the #.VaZcoSg2H4o.email at the end but I'm not sure if that means anything. So I sent him this link to see if he could view it:
And he still go the cache-busting error.

What's really weird is that when he sent the link to his friend, that friend also gets the same error.

Is there a way to require users to supply name, zip, etc?

Nick 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 9 years ago 1
I'd like to set up our user registration to require certain fields like first & last names, address, zip, etc. Is there a way for me to do that without template certification? And if that change is made, will it prompt old users to update that info before continuing?

(I swear I'm not trying to fill the forum up with my avatar, I just have a lot of questions that I can't find the answer to on doc.townnews.com)
Christine Masters 9 years ago
Hi Nick,

On a Zen site, this would require template certification of some level, but our Customer Support team can help with this as well.

On a Flex site, we've built these in as URL custom properties. You can just go to the user URL and set each available field, and whether you want it to be available, required or hidden.

How to change the background color

Jonathan Ayestas 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 9 years ago 1
Hello, on my paper's website that I'm now running, the background surrounding the blocks is gray and I wanted to know how to change it to a different color. I've tried looking up site and url custom properties, but nothing I try seems to be working. How can I go about changing it?
Christine Masters 9 years ago
Hi Jonathan!

It depends on if you have a Flex site or a Zen site. With Flex you can use a URL property, with Zen you need to do a CSS override. Either way, our Customer Support team can help you get this rolling.

Is there a way to only display block on specific urls?

Nick 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 9 years ago 1
I've got a block in the right rail and I want to only display it on the home page. Is there a way, without having to disable it on every url, to limit it to the home page?
Christine Masters 9 years ago
When we first set up sites, we usually change the regions in the right rail so that some inherit and some do not. If you have this situation, you can just put the block into a region that is not inherited by its children, and it will only be shown on the front page.

If your site has changed this and made all of the regions inherit, then yes, you will have to "dis-inherit" the region in order to separate it on the child URLs.

But I would recommend trying to re-order your right rail so that you have some regions that inherit and some that do not, and you can use them accordingly.
Under review

I'm interested in switching to Facebook commenting, any thoughts?

Nick 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 9 years ago 3
Any thoughts on Facebook commenting vs BLOX commenting? And if I switch to Facebook commenting do I need a whole new app id? I already have one app id in the site settings for the news feed.
Under review

Influx of iPhone 6/iPad(newer models) not being able to view any articles past the headline?

Nick 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 9 years ago 4
I've been having multiple subscribers over the past few weeks who can't view anything beyond the headlines on article pages. I've narrowed the issue down to people with iPhone 6s and iPads(the newer versions). I've submitted a ticket but TN tech support can't help me because they say it's an Apple issue, not a BLOX issue and they can't replicate it on their devices.

And this isn't user error because I've seen the issue in person. It happens on the mobile version and the desktop version(when viewed on the phone/tablet). All of them are using Safari and running iOS 8.4.

Does anyone know what block this is?

Nick 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Daniel Buford 9 years ago 3
On the page http://www.richmond.com what is the block at the bottom with the header "Local Businesses"? Is this a standard block?
Under review

Google drive + Blox integration for images

Christian Ramirez 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 9 years ago 1
Love Dropbox but most of our papers have Google drive since we're all on Google Apps. We would really like this feature.

Web services "template" docs?

A. L. Flanagan 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 9 years ago 1
The documentation for Blox-CMS web services at http://docs.townnews.com/kbpublisher/BLOX-CMS-Web-Services_6695.html lists modules that provide services, but when you add a webservice key to the site, you are able to enable a number of modules not listed in that document, including "template". Is there some other documentation for these modules as web services, or could I at least the get the API for "template"?
A web service that's not documented may as well as not exist.

Would you like to see ability to exclude content in BLOX backend search?

Landon Hemsley 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 9 years ago 2
Right now you can filter down the content based on certain settings you set in the search terms window, but it's impossible to exclude content based on the settings in the search terms box. For example, if I want to see all content EXCEPT those that carry a certain flag, I can't do that. Or, if I want to see all content EXCEPT those that were written by a given author, I can't do that. Or, if I want to see all content published on any date EXCEPT between the specified range, I can't do that.

This would be very useful to me. Would it be for you?

Custom og:image for individual assets

Michael Becker 9 years ago in BLOX CMS 0
I'd be interested in knowing who else would find it useful to be able to upload a custom og:image (aka Facebook share image) at an asset level — rather than just having Blox select the first attached child preview as the og:image.

We have found a few situations where we think we could get a better reaction online if we were to do a "text on image" sort of social image with our postings. However, attaching an image like that would look horrible on the front-end display in Blox, where we'd want the real child image (or no image at all) to show up.

Anybody else think this'd be useful?

Enabling Rich Snippets for Reviews and Ratings to show star ratings in Google Searches

Kevin Smith 9 years ago in BLOX CMS 0
For movie and restaurant reviews it would be great to support the Rating microdata schema so our search results show up with star ratings.


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Banner Ad Position “Packages”

Kevin M. Cox 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Mary Shepard 9 years ago 1
I wanted to make a suggestion for a feature that I think would be a big help when deploying banner ads within BLOX.

I think it would be great to have the ability to create “packages” of ad positions that could all be assigned with a single click.

Our site has 18,315 available ad positions which means we have to use a list to make sure things get assigned in the right place, which doesn’t always happen. It would greatly simplify things if people could simply select “Position Package 1” and have BLOX then assign 20 different pre-selected positions for this ad.

Let me know what y’all think.
Under review

Search Editorial Assets by Keyword

Kevin M. Cox 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Landon Hemsley 9 years ago 7
Image 65I'd love to see an additional search field added into the Editorial Assets window to allow searching by Keywords.

Obviously you can use keywords in the Search Text box, but this doesn't always work well.

For example if we wanted to batch edit a keyword we've been using like "Mardi Gras 2015" we're going to run into issues. Not only will things with that keyword show up in results but so will everything else that might have that text in the story.

Having this new option would make it very easy to quickly pull up all results using the same keyword no matter which section of the site they were created under and then easily update the Keywords assigned to the assets as a batch edit.

Is there a way to change the icons on the "Subscriber Service Options" block?

Nick 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 9 years ago 0
Is there a way to change the little icons(http://scripts.bloxcms.com/app/images/icons/tn-common-icons.png) next to the corresponding subscription name? I have CSS access but not UTL access. My online subscriptions have newspaper icons beside them and that can be confusing.