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Kindle and Nook support of e-Editions

BismarckTribune 9 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

1)What problem(s) does this idea solve?

The current Flex template of the e-Edition does not support Kindles or Nooks.

2) Why do you need this idea implemented? We have had multiple calls from customers who used to be able to read the e-Edition on their devices who now cannot. Kindle and Nook makes up about 2% of our users. Which is about 300 users per day.

3) How often would you use this feature?

Our customers would use this feature everyday.

4) How many people in your organization would use this feature? 300 customers , minimum, per day.

It would be nice to tell our customers that we care about them and that we value them as customers, rather than telling them that since they're a minority we don't care and they should buy a different device. At which point I'm sure they'd tell us they'll save their money and just stop subscribing. 300 customers unsubscribing is not a small issue for us, we do value them and would prefer not to alienate people in our small community.


Jason Heupel

Online Producer

Bismarck Tribune




calendar events displaying in AP Style

Jennifer Perkins 9 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

This is a feature request made by a newsroom editor for the display of events from the calendar component. She refers to the Summer Camp Fair item at the bottom of the screenshot below:

"AP Style specifies months and states of five or fewer letters should be spelled out. So in the calendar it should be March, June and July, NOT Mar, Jun and Jul.

When event occurs on the hour should be 1 p.m. Not 1:00 pm.
Only use : in time when there are minutes involved, i.e. 10:45 a.m., 2:30 p.m.
Dates are simply month followed by day: Nov. 4 or Jan. 22. Not Nov. 4th or Jan. 22nd.
Month and day should be set off from year with a comma.
So the entry I was attempting to fix would read:
Occurs from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on March 13, 2016."

Image 123


Anyone successfully using push notifications with BLOX?

Nick 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by anonymous 9 years ago 3

Like the subject suggests, we're interested in push notifications. Do any of y'all use them with BLOX and are you pleased with the functionality? Is the service through a 3rd party?


Email Reach: Limited Access

Kevin M. Cox 9 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

This doesn’t appear to be possible with the current BLOX setup, but I’d love it if there was a way to allow certain employees to send a breaking news email alert without giving them access to the entire Email Reach area of BLOX.

I like to operate on the principle of least privilege whenever possible. So while I’m not worried about an editor purposefully messing with our other email lists, preventing them from having the access means they can’t accidentally break something either. They also don’t need to be messing with the Contacts list or anything else, simply sending the email.

In our specific case with breaking news, we have a list setup and always trigger it using the Single Run function. To make things even simpler, it is always the exact same URL we enter every single time.

As such all we really need is a “Send Email” button that an authenticated editor could press to fire it off.

Like I said I don’t think anything like this is possible, since the only option for granting someone Email Reach privileges is Full Access. But I wanted to get everyone’s thoughts.


Under review

Hard returns in assets

Craig V 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Nick 9 years ago 5
Why are hard returns turned into paragraphs when an asset is saved. Is there a way around this? Even if I add <br /> in html view it is still converted to a <p></p>

Facebook Instant Articles

Kevin M. Cox 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Nick 9 years ago 1

Just wanted to open this topic up for discussion:

Facebook will open Instant Articles to all publishers on April 12

I'm skeptical on the value of this to publishers. What do y'all think?


premium subscription icon

Jennifer Perkins 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 9 years ago 1

This is a nice feature! Thanks for adding it.

it would be great to have a couple of setting options:

- the option to move it to the right of the headline

- the option to use a custom icon (like an image used as a favicon)

Under review

form designer

Mike Stickler 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by anonymous 9 years ago 18
Is it just me or is the form designer an exercise in frustration for everyone.

Ability to drag and drop the order of keywords in the asset admin

Jacki Gray 9 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

We need the same ability to drag and drop the order of keywords in the asset admin--the same way we can drag and drop the order of section tags.

For example, upon entry a reporter may enter them in a more random order. But and editor would rearrange them in order of importance. (I wasn't able to drag and drop keywords in Firefox or Chrome.)


Email Reach Newsletter problem

Kevin M. Cox 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 9 years ago 9

So we learned today that if a user unsubscribes from an email newsletter for any reason or through any method, the system will then prevent them from resubscribing to that newsletter in the future.

To me the worst part about this is that when that user attempts to resubscribe it silently fails. They receive no error message or warning that they are unable to subscribe. The mange newsletters box appears to show they are now subscribed but if they leave the page their subscriptions don’t “stick.” They’d only see this if they left and then returned to the same screen.

This became apparent with a call from a frustrated reader this afternoon. To them our website is simply broken.

I understand that Town News has to work within the confines of the Constant Contact system, but it really seems like there needs to be some additional functionality added around this feature.

We’re working hard to promote our newsletters and increase our subscribers to be more attractive to advertisers. This “bug” has the potential to cost us revenue.

For every reader that actually takes the time to reach out when they still don’t receive the emails, how many simply don’t bother and assume we just don’t know what we’re doing? 1 in 10?

Any thoughts?

Under review

Allow blocks to be edited for a URL that has a redirect

Kevin M. Cox 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 9 years ago 1

I’m posting this here as part of my feature request to see if it would be helpful to anyone else.

Right now if you assign a redirect to a URL in BLOX you can no longer edit the underlying blocks in the Design screen. My request is to allow the blocks to still be edited while the redirect is in place.

This could be useful for when you want to undertake a major redesign of a section over a period of time without allowing readers to see the work in progress.

For us personally it is in relation to a yearly special section we publish. We’d like to redirect the main URL to last year's E-Edition while we totally rework the blocks on the section front. Unfortunately we can’t do it with the current way the system works.

So if you think this is a good idea give me an upvote please!


HTML descriptions are under the HTML — let's move 'em

Erica Smith 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 9 years ago 4

The description on an HTML asset acts as a summary, which is good. But click through on that HTML asset and the description shows up under whatever was entered as HTML. That means we're telling people to "take this quiz" only after they've scrolled past the quiz. That seems very silly to me — anyone else interested in trying to get descriptions to appear above HTML assets?

(I know I could add the HTML to an article asset and write whatever text and summary I want around the HTML. But that's a lot of extra steps.)


Click to read more

Michael Becker 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 9 years ago 2

Many news sites these days are presenting the first couple paragraphs of a longer story, then fading out the rest of it and including a "read the rest" button. I presume this translates to an analytics event that says someone voluntarily engaged with your content, which is valuable information for advertisers.

Anybody else thing this would be a neat feature to include in Flex? Anyone out there using custom code or a third-party solution?

Any interest from TownNews in making this a toggle-able feature?


Planning for election night returns

Andrea 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 9 years ago 2


I've been lurking a few months, but this is my first time posting. We launched Blox back in September 2015 at www.Herald-Dispatch.com.

Anyhow, I am starting to look ahead to election night and how we will use Blox to deal with returns.

Previously, we had a home-grown system built by a programmer who no longer works here. It worked OK, but is a pain to set up -- especially getting it to work with a new platform.

I saw where Blox had an Election Stats feature, but apparently it does not anymore.

Of course, I can have an HTML asset and just update it throughout the night. But the beauty of our home-grown system was that multiple people could be updating the results of multiple races.

So, I am wondering if anyone else is already thinking about this. Or, is there some other solution out there that I do not know about?



Create a saved article list/article queue

Nick 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 9 years ago 4

We live in a world where people increasingly want to save media(songs, TV shows, movies, YouTube videos, etc) to view at a later date. For instance YouTube has its "Watch Later" list where users can flag videos they may want to watch in the future. I use it all the time.

I've heard a few people mention that they frequently save articles to read later. I see in the BLOX user dashboard there is a section called "Saved Items" but it seems like that's just for classified listing. I would like to see a feature where users can save articles.

Some people would also like to have a place to save articles that they want to just keep indefinitely. Sure bookmarks exist, but they don't always transfer from device to device.

And it would be great to have a very noticeable button to save the article to a list so people will see that it is a feature.