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Under review

Email Reach - filter out users who do not have active subscriptions

Kevin M. Cox 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Nicholas farnsworth1 4 years ago 11
We’re looking to create an email newsletter exclusively for subscribers, as opposed to our normal newsletters that anyone with an account can receive.

As such we’d love to see an option that would allow anyone to sign-up, but on send the system would omit the emails of users who do not have an active subscription at the time of the email.

This would create an automated system that we didn’t have to constantly manage by adding and removing users as subscriptions are bought and expire.

Please let me know what y’all think and if there is a possible this could be implemented.


Video cover art

Ryan Dorgan 6 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Nicholas farnsworth1 4 years ago 5

Would love to be able to feature short video clips/loops or even gif files as cover art to be used in the longform presentation. Would this be possible?


Whitelisted calendar users

Braxton Carroll 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Carl Appen 4 years ago 1

Due to past experiences with spam and trolls, we have to moderate calendar submissions. 

It would be great if there was a way to whitelist particular users that we know post events that do not violate any site policies. These include local service organizations, churches, community groups, etc. Being whitelisted would auto-approve their events and bypass the queue for unapproved events.


Ad Blocker Detection should work WITH, but independently of, subscriptions

Nathan B 4 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

MAIN POINT: Ad blocking is a rapidly growing problem, and TownNews's Ad Blocker Detection tool needs to be more usable by all clients, regardless of their subscription model (or lack thereof).

We're trying to implement Ad Blocker Detection on our site, but we don't currently have a subscriber model we're ready to pursue (we're free-to-read, and our competitor uses a pretty strict paywall, so this has been our competitive advantage and we've grown dramatically as a result).

But TN support tells us the Ad Blocker Detection tool requires subscription integration in order to work.

I understand the rationale behind tying Ad Blocker Detection to subscriptions, but that's very limiting and I think unnecessary. I'd like to see Ad Blocker Detection work, period, regardless of subscription integration. Then websites that want a premium subscription model that doesn't show ads and allows ad blocking could have that too.


Webinar | The new and improved BLOX Now mobile app is a can’t-miss update

Cherry Wolf (Marketing specialist) 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 1

Webinar recording now available.

At our June customer webinar, Susan Bell, senior product manager for TownNews, showed off the latest redesign of the BLOX Now mobile app. This major update bundles a variety of fantastic new features, design layouts, card styles, and more.

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Topics included:

  • All-new personalization features and behavioral recommendations
  • Innovative new “Continue Watching” functionality lets users start a video on one device, pick up where they left off on another
  • A completely revamped user interface for iPads and Android tablets
  • Tons of additional card styles to help you show off your content
  • A modern “flat” design option that you can enable with the flip of a switch
  • . . . and much more!

Watch it now.
Under review

Poll results aren't displaying

Editor Jen 4 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Matt Reyes 4 years ago 1

The results of poll questions are no longer visible on our website. Can someone please advise

Matt Reyes 4 years ago

Hi Jen -

These poll results won't display on non-HTTPS pages. This is likely the problem here, we've had a number of these requests lately.

Here is our documentation on how to make your site secure:



Does anyone know a way to mask URLs in an umbrella site?

Kim Mason BGDN 4 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by W. Rags. 4 years ago 8

We are moving to an umbrella site and found out that this will cause all our sites to have a url with the base site.  For example our TV station is currently bgdailynews.com/wdnz instead of wdnz.com.  That address will take you there but we would like the browser window to show wdnz.com.  TownNews has told us they don't have a way to provide masking to accomplish this.  Has anyone found a way to do it on their own?


Anyone have any suggestions on how to best handle quickly-updating stories?

Kyle Whitfield 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by khart 4 years ago 12

So let me pose this scenario:

We've got a story on our the site. Let's say the New Orleans Saints are making roster cuts on deadline day. Our guys are updating their story w/ new player names every couple of minutes. The story tells readers to 'check back frequently' or 'reload the page' for the latest info. How can we best display this info in BLOX so that people who visit a page frequently during a breaking story actually see the most up-to-date info?

Christine Masters 8 years ago

Here is the doc which discusses how you can use flags to reduce caching times for important articles:


As the doc says, there are a few limitations, but in general you'll get updates about every minute or so.

However! Note that this does not affect the users' local browser cache. That is still subject to a 5-minute cache. (You could, if you could find the right words, tell users to force reload the page. It is different in different browsers though, so I'm not sure if there could be an elegant way to say this.)

So this doesn't really work for "live blogging" - but it should address the needs of corrections and story updates and breaking news that you want to push to the front page.

We did have a discussion internally today about some enhancements we can make to bring us closer to having some kind of live blogging environment... I will look into that as a possible future feature.


California Consumer Privacy Act Compliance

Jesus Sanchez 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 2

Hello.  I wanted to find out how TownNews and TownNews sites are planning to comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act. Enforcement begins July 1. The easy part looks like updating our privacy policy but the nightmare looks to be how we will respond to requests to provide site visitors with information about how their personal information -- everything from email address to I.P. address -- has been been collected and sold and shared with third parties.  TownNews back in January said it was looking at potential solutions. Can the company share any details at this point? Would these solutions help with complying for requests with this information. 


Hello Jesus, we are still working through this. We've had a lot of rounds with legal folks to arrive at what will hopefully be a straightforward solution. We're hoping to partner with a company called OneTrust for the consent pieces, we'll have a canned form you can customize to address your Data Subject Requests, and I would recommend updating your privacy policy. We will have some samples of that as well. Stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks.


Webinar | Introducing Evvnt: a powerful, revenue-generating calendar integration coming to TownNews

Cherry Wolf (Marketing specialist) 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 1

Webinar recording now available

At our May 2020 customer webinar, Rick Rogers, chief revenue officer at TownNews, and Richard Green, CEO of Evvnt gave an overview of the new Evvnt calendar integration that we’ll be rolling out over the coming months.
Download PDF Webinar slide deck: Introducing Evvnt

While in-person local events are on pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we want to use this time to roll out Evvnt’s calendar platform on behalf of our partners. When local events return to our communities, the TownNews-Evvnt calendar partnership will provide our local media partners the best tools to showcase and monetize their calendar listings.

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Topics included:

  • Details about the calendar migration time frame and process.
  • Ideas for generating new advertising revenue with local events.
  • Examples of our Evvnt integration in action and peak behind the scenes.
  • . . . and much more!

Ready to get started? Watch it now.


Advertorial / paid content

Marie 5 years ago updated by Nicholas farnsworth1 4 years ago 4

Curious if any sites are having success with doing paid advertorials or sponsored articles, and if so, how do you separate them from news content or do you have a specific place on site where they are placed?


Search User Comments

Kevin M. Cox 4 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

Had a new question from a reader we haven't gotten before. They wanted a way to specifically search through user comments across the site.

Has this ever been considered before?


Unify Account/Login Creation and Subscription Purchase into a single step/page

mcgregora 4 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Rich Griffin | Product Manager (Product Manager) 4 years ago 2

Making a feature request for the ability to have the purchase subscription page also capture account (login) creation information and establish that user profile in a singe step-page-process ... thus eliminating the multi-step process of a site visitor having to first create an account before he/she can actually purchase a subscription.

This would enhance the user experience and eliminate a bottleneck/bail out point in the subscriber acquisition process.

Please support this post so it climbs the feature request ladder faster.



Evvnt Calendar Migration

Jesus Sanchez 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 6

Hello.If we migrate to the new Evvnt Calendar, will we still be able to embed events into individual articles and newsletters? Would we still set the price for upsells? 


Beta testers needed urgently for two initiatives

Christine Masters 4 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 4 years ago 1

Hi everyone!

We are looking for someone to beta test two urgent initiatives we are working on…

Firstly, a “Support Local Journalism” page which will ask readers to contribute money or subscribe in order to support journalism during this time. It can be paired with messaging throughout the site that says something like, “We are providing coronavirus coverage without a subscription out of public interest.” And then a link to contribute or subscribe if they want to help.

Secondly, we have a new Photo Sales vendor (Fotomoto) to replace the other one, which is currently down.

If you are interested in helping with either - or both - initiatives, we just need a site for testing, and some of your time to provide feedback.

Each of these items will require some minor set up on your side, such as creating a new account with Fotomoto and Donorbox.org, and possibly connecting a Paypal or Stripe account for payments.

I realize this is a crazy time, but if you feel you have the time to help us test these things, we can do almost all of the work (except for setting up the accounts and reviewing the work) for you!

Let me know if you are interested!