Welcome to the BLOX Digital (formerly TownNews) customer community! Connect with other BLOX Digital customers—and with us—to suggest features, share best practices and ask questions.

Though BLOX Digital representatives often participate in discussions, this is not a customer service site. For immediate help, call 800-293-9576 or submit a support request via our online ticketing system.


Has anyone made the switch to EVVNT? I would love thoughts? input?

stephanie 4 years ago updated by Eric R 4 years ago 3
Under review

Requesting Explanation for the Forced Password Reset on October 29th.

Jeff Sebestyen 4 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Aaron Gillette (Marketing Director, TownNews) 4 years ago 2

At the end of October 2020 all my Admin users were forced to change their password, and it came rather abruptly with no real explanation as to why this took place, nor was there any forewarning that made this seem like a planned feature update.  Was there a data breach of some sort?  

bward (CEO, TownNews) 4 years ago

Hi Aidian,

There was no system wide data breach.  We did see some suspicious activity we saw was limited to a few client accounts. Those clients were notified.

We decided that it was prudent to change all passwords and also institute more stringent passwords to protect our customers.   



Is Email Reach standard with our subscription, or is there an additional cost?

Travis Weik 4 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Carl Appen 4 years ago 3

I'd like to start using Email Reach at 2 of our properties as a test for the market. Competing papers already use a similar service.

My concern is whether we will take on any additional cost for activating this feature. Is this something we are already paying for? If so, how to I turn the feature on? I've followed the tutorial video and cannot find an Email Reach option in BloxCMS.

Thanks for your help.


Please add support for svg images to both TotalCMS and BLOX.

David D. 4 years ago in BLOX Total CMS 0

Given the movement on the web to support newer image format, please add SVG as an image asset "version" to both TotalCMS and BLOX, see: https://caniuse.com/svg-img for details.

Given the scalable nature of SVG images they work much better for logos and info-graphics than other formats.

Under review

Feature Request: Option to set unpublish date for assets

daniel buford 4 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 4 years ago 2

Would is be possible to add an option to unpublish an asset on a given date so that an item can be automatically taken down without it being deleted?



Community submissions

Carl Appen 4 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 4 years ago 1

Anyone have creative/useful ideas for accepting and displaying community submissions? Content from a local author, press release or (legacy) calendar events? 

Is the PR Newswire concept (unlimited press releases for a monthly fee) dead in the water? 

How do you decide what sections a user can apply to their submission? 


Feature request: A column to show child assets

Lindy Ritz 4 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

Would it be possible to have a Blox window column to indicate what kind and/or how many child assets are currently attached to an article asset?

This would be a HUGE time-saver, especially with an aggressive push with video and collections - we wouldn't have to necessarily open (and tie up) articles just to make sure we remembered to attach that video/collection/etc.


Mosaics in teaser images

scott rada 4 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Bruce Potter 4 years ago 4

When an article has multiple mugshots -- often two or more people running for office, or two or more people charged with a crime -- it would be helpful if Blox had a simple way to turn those multiple photo assets into a single teaser image. Here's an example. Currently we're using a separate photo editing software, slowing the process.



Incorrect Article Title and Preview showing up in Google

Marshall Hopkins 4 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Adam Griepentrog 4 years ago 4

Sent in a ticket for this, but I wanted to also hit up the Community to see if anyone else has seen this:

I need help fixing a feed or article component problem. We are seeing errors when our articles show up in Google Alerts and I am wondering if it is just a scraping glitch or if we have our feeds set up improperly.

  • Weather information in place of Article Preview.
  • Photo Asset names in place of Article Titles
  • The Menu Bar text in place of Article Preview

Seem familiar to anyone?


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Show me your newsletter!

Jesus Sanchez 4 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Carl Appen 4 years ago 2

Hello. We are going to increase our focus on our email newsletters in the coming months. Right now our Daily Digest is based on a URL and also includes a few extra blocks for sponsored content, calendars, featured photo, etc.

We want to take full advantage of the features that are available for newsletters within Blox and would like to see what some other TownNews customers have done to punch up their newsletters.

I know we would have more options if we worked directly in Constant Contact but our goal is keep building the newsletter within Blox to minimize the work needed.


Progress on circumventing metered paywall with incognito browsers?

Jenna Duncan 4 years ago updated by Carl Appen 4 years ago 2

Just wanted to see if anyone has heard if there's a timeline for finding a fix to this issue: Users can circumvent the metered paywall once they hit their limit by using incognito windows, and it's been pretty rampant in the past few months. 

The last meeting we had with TownNews they said they were aware of the issue and working on a fix, curious if there's an update on this. 


Give me your top BLOX sites

Nick 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by abojmous82 4 years ago 19
As the title of this post says give me what you consider the best BLOX sites. I'm interested in the sites you think have the best design taking news display, speed of loading, organization, etc.

The reason I ask this is because I'm always trying to improve my sites(we have three BLOX sites) and make them the best sites they can be. BLOX makes it so easy to add content and move it around the page but that also makes it easy to clutter the pages, especially the home page. With my site I try to balance information with simplicity. I would say the most annoying thing I have to deal with is balancing the right-rail with the main content. One seems to always be much longer than the other.

But I’d love for this to turn into a good discussion because we’re all using the same system, with a few differences here and there, and there are so many BLOX sites out there that it makes it hard to find the really standout ones. If you want to suggest your site, I guess feel free to do that. I’m my worst critic so it's hard for me to critique my own sites. None of the ones I'm suggesting here are my sites...

I like the design of this site:

I don’t have any experience with the newer Flex sites but these are nice:
http://belvoireagleonline.com (I LOVE the left rail menu on this site)

I recently found Richmond Times-Dispatch. I like how it gives you a good bit of information but doesn’t seem like info-overload. I’m not that fond of the bottom half of the home page.

Webinar | Introducing BLOX Now, a better mobile app for local media

Cherry Wolf (Marketing specialist) 6 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Seema Sharma 4 years ago 3

Webinar recording now available.

Taking cues from social media, the BLOX Now mobile app eschews conventional news app design in favor of a single, continuously-scrolling stream of community news and events that keeps users engaged. At our June customer webinar, Susan Bell, BLOX Now senior product manager, and Christine Masters, director of product management, introduced the BLOX Now mobile app.

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Topics included:

  • Increasing user engagement with a hybrid news and information app.

  • Feature highlights, including: in-stream video playback, push notifications, and convenient fly-out menus.

  • Monetizing your app with Google DFP integration.

  • Managing your app, website, and mobile site in one easy workflow.

  • . . . and much more.

Are you ready to get started . . . now? Webinar recording now available.


Webinar | Editorial masterclass for BLOX CMS

Cherry Wolf (Marketing specialist) 4 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 4 years ago 1

Webinar recording now available.

Editorial masterclass for BLOX CMS

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At our November customer webinar, Christine Masters, Director of BLOX CMS for TownNews, gave a masterclass to highlight some advanced, and sometimes overlooked, editorial functionality within BLOX CMS.

Topics included:

  • Using BLOX Notifier to keep readers in the loop and drive social media traffic.
  • Enriching your stories with multimedia content using the drag-and-drop Article Designer.
  • Customizing your site with expert block management tricks—from permissions to scheduling, and beyond.
  • Writing headlines to improve SEO.
  • . . . and much more!

Ready to get started? Watch it now.

Under review

Export custom user fields

Maureen Reinert 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by W. Rags. 4 years ago 6

Does anyone know how to export the custom fields that we are adding when our users register. I see the data on the Custom tab of the users' accounts, but when I export the users to a csv file the only fields that are exported are

screenname email account_type firstname lastname createtime authtime country address municipality region postcode phone gender birthday

There's nothing in the TN documentation about this. The documentation tells you how to add a custom field to the registration form, but it's not much good if we can't export that information.