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Training request: Timelines

Katie 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Aaron Gillette (Marketing Director, TownNews) 7 years ago 1

I would like to request a training seminar for two Town News users on building slideshows to see what capabilities we might be missing.


Hi Katie,

To request a session with our training team, please complete the training request form on our help site. They'll be able to help you out.


Aaron Gillette

Marketing Director



Bug?: Unable to close photo after viewing photo on live Flex site.

Jeff Sebestyen 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 7 years ago 2

I have a story with no presentation mode.  The single photo is simply a Child Asset to a Flex story.  In both Internet Explorer and Chrome, I can not close the photo after viewing it.  There is no X, and I can't click off of it.  I have to refresh the page.   I can recreate this issue on multiple stories.   I have looked on a sister site and they have an X.  I have also tried clicking where an X would be.  

Image 335

Maureen Reinert 7 years ago

The problem is that your header/nav is covering the close button. The close button is there. It's just roughly on the page under the Sign Up and Log in buttons.

If you use the developer tools, look at the style:

#site-navbar-container {






Turn off the position:fixed value and you'll see the close button.

One possible way to get around this is to set the z-index on the class .modal.fullscreen.

.modal.fullscreen {



I don't know if that will mess up something somewhere else on your site, but it would make the image overlay appear on top of the menu, and that would allow for the close button to be seen.


Feature request: Locking content blocks when someone has it open

Kyle Whitfield 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Robert Armstrong 7 years ago 1

It would be super helpful if blocks, like assets, would lock when someone already has one open.

We run into situations, especially in breaking news, where 2 people might have our homepage top stories block open. Both are pinning and re-arranging stories -- but they're accidentally saving over each other's work without knowing it.


Consider lengthening revision history in BLOX?

Kyle Whitfield 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by anonymous 7 years ago 3

Right now, BLOX only stores versions of the 10 most recent revisions made, correct? Is there anyway to expand that to 30 or even more? We change assets so often now that we lose the ability to track story versions to serve as teaching points for reporters/editors and for gathering versions for contest entries. Is this something that's technically possible to accomplish?

Under review

Y'all aware that your latest update broke template editing capability on Safari?

Paul Crawford 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 7 years ago 6

Just wondering. Can't select any of the drop downs or expand windows anymore since around Tuesday.

Under review

Feature Suggestion: URL display in asset creation window

Abby 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 7 years ago 4

I was thinking that it would be beneficial to have a box within the asset creation window where once an asset has been saved, the asset's URL is displayed for easy copy/paste. My coworkers and I are frequently (at least once a day) creating assets which we then email out to our subscribers using Constant Contact. It would be nice to have the URL easily copyable from the asset creation screen, rather than opening a new tab or waiting for the asset appears on the front-end. If the URL were displayed in the asset window, it would save a click!

Under review

Feature request: Ability to add text overlay to parallax or full bleed images

Meagen Finnerty 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 7 years ago 10

I'm often using parallax photos to separate sections in a long story. With the new cover art ability to have the headline overlay, I was thinking that it would be really neat if we could put text on top of these parallax or full-bleed photos. We could put subheads or really impressive pull quotes, etc.

Here are a couple examples of how I've used them as a way to separate pieces of a project:




Is there a way to get rid of the mobile anchor from Outbrain?

Nick 7 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

We've had Outbrain for a while now but I just noticed there's an anchor that takes up most of the screen. I don't have a problem with native ads but I don't want something that intrusive.

Image 328

Under review

Is there a way to have a word limit on free calendar submissions, but offer more words for paid submissions using the Upsell Manager?

Pat Checketts 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 7 years ago 3

Is there a way to have a word limit on free calendar submissions, but offer more words for paid submissions using the Upsell Manager?

In our small/medium market community, we're using the online calendar feature and we allow even businesses to post events at their stores or locations.  Events which are submitted online are also included in our print edition, but we limit certain free submissions to just 15 words.  Currently, I can't find a way to put a word limit on calendar submissions.  And if there is a way to do this, is there also way to make a rule which prompts users to purchase an enhanced listing if they exceed the word limit in the description?  Could the photo in the calendar submission also be set up as an option only available to enhanced listings?

We currently have enhanced calendar listings with a few options (one week, one month, etc.).  Since we implemented these features a few months ago, we've only had one business pay for an actual enhanced listing and it was at an introductory rate to test out the new feature.

Our calendar page is at www.sewardindependent.com/calendar

Pat Checketts

Advertising Manager

Seward County Independent

Seward, NE


Hi Pat - 

Upsell Manager cannot restrict the number of words or photos for an event.  

The self-service tool is designed to automatically apply properties (keywords, sections, priorities) to an event for purposes of prime placement throughout your site or print edition - homepage, newsletters, entertainment page, search results, etc. 

The value of the upsell is the promotion of a user's event your site rather than the number of words or photos a user is able to apply. 


Blocks don't display assets beyond 150

Nick 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 7 years ago 3

I set up a page for just Hurricane Irma assets since we got some significant damage. We have much more than 150 assets but when I try to set up the query size I can get it to display assets until 150. Beyond 150 the system changes the query size back to the first asset being 101. For instance... I change the "First item" to 151 to pull the next 50 assets but when I save the block it defaults back to 101.

Image 326

I want to have a page for our comprehensive Irma coverage that people can look back through for months to come but the block settings aren't letting me. Is there a way to get around this?

Christine Masters 7 years ago

I would create a URL for that topic, and then design a section around it. You can have groups of photos by date or by topic (before, during, after the storm, or by location, etc.).

Also, depending on the scenario, you could also keyword tag all of the assets, and then link to a search of those assets. That way, it is automatically paged and can go on forever.

I hope Kevin doesn't mind me pointing to this... but during Hurricane Harvey, galvnews.com had the same issue, and I helped them start this page: http://www.galvnews.com/harvey/ You could add to it by having more galleries, or lists of stories, ads, info boxes, etc.


inline video ads

Graham R. Archer 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 7 years ago 3

Anyone know of a way to activate inline video ads — say, a player that pops up as a reader scrolls past the 8th paragraph, plays a 15-second ad, then collapses?

I'm very interested in the products Teads InRead, though I've seen countless copycats. Here's a video of exactly what I'm looking for: 

Anyone know how to make that work in Blox and target ads at it?

Christine Masters 7 years ago

Hi Graham!

It is very easy to implement this kind of technology into BLOX CMS. We've had several partners do this sort of thing.

I would ask for the implementation documentation from the vendor you want to use, and then provide it to our Customer Support team. Usually this will just require a small JavaScript tag added to the head and / or somewhere in the story. Using custom optional points and in-story Utility Regions, this can usually be done with no (or very little) custom coding.


Flex Feature Request: Restore Staff indicator on comments from Zen

Kevin M. Cox 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 7 years ago 7

Ticket # 617487 is already open on this request from our Zen to Flex transition, but posting here in addition per normal feature request protocol.

In Zen, when a staff/admin user leaves a comment on an article, it is indicated as such with a little flag as seen here.

Image 223

Apparently this functionality wasn't carried over to the Flex templates and we would like to see it brought back. Right now there is nothing other than name recognition to help identify that one of our staff members is participating in a discussion with readers.

Image 224

Having this identifier goes a long way to establishing that a response could be considered official or is coming from something with authority at the newspapers.

What do y'all think?

Christine Masters 7 years ago

Hi Kevin!

This should be very easy to add. Just to make sure - is "Staff" the right verbiage? Maybe, "admin"? It would have to be the same always, though.


Content expiration in a block

Graham R. Archer 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 7 years ago 3

Hey all, trying to find a way to have a block show a story for 7 days, then have that content disappear from that block (but not expire off the site, for instance). It should always be looking back a rolling 7 days. Is this possible?

Christine Masters 7 years ago

Just add a query rule Start date/time set to no earlier than "7 days ago."

Under review

Trying to add dfp ad unit to top of main container

Matt 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 7 years ago 7

I have created two dfp (simple) blox for a desktop and mobile pencil pushdown. I tested both of these yesterday in the global-container-top-fullscreen region, but I really want them at the top of the page. I took them out of that region, and it shows that they've been added to the top of main container in the utility regions pullout bar. I have saved the layout, however even the placeholder for the blox is not showing up when I preview the site. I also have the Google Publisher Toolbar extension installed, and the ad unit overlay is not showing up there in the live site either. Do I have to enable this utility region somehow before the changes take effect?

Under review

Feature Request: API interface for Calendar system

W. Rags. 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 7 years ago 1

What I would like to see is an API (like user, subscription, assets, etc) for the Calendar system.

It would allow 3rd partysoftware the ability to directly interface the calendar system from Townnews without having to resort to FTP'd files

We currently have an in-house calendar that we use for print.  Currently we have to manually export each of the calendar items from the townnews hosted management system, and enter it into our system by hand.  Using an exported .CSV file will work, but we would then have to create an import system for it. 

  • The API would allow any 3rd party program a way to interface directly, in nearly real time, with your calendar system.
  • For us, this would allow us to Add/Remove/Edit entries on-the-fly without having to wait for a batched upload and download to take place.  It would give a much finer control to managing the entries in the calendar without having to 'translate' them into files for processing.  Also much less change of any errors creeping into the individual entries.
  • For a large company such as The New York Times, it would mean faster processing, less chances of failure, and more real-time processing instead of batches.
  • For  Townnews it would mean a lot less proccesing power would be needed at any given time to process the batch.  Spreading this load out over a longer time would reduce any bottlenecks in the work flow that might be created with a large 'batch' being processed.