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Though TownNews.com representatives often participate in discussions, this is not a customer service site. For immediate help, call 800-293-9576 or submit a support request via our online ticketing system.

Webinar: Introducing TownNews.com iQ Standard

anonymous 9 years ago updated by Kevin M. Cox 9 years ago 1

Webinar: Introducing TownNews.com iQ Standard

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At our March webinar, Wesley Farris, TownNews.com iQ program manager, will introduce the all-new iQ Standard tier, designed to help sites of all sizes use data to extract superior results from their programmatic and remnant advertising campaigns.

We'll cover:

  • Trends in programmatic--where the market stands, and where it's going.
  • How to instantly boost CPMs on your unsold inventory--using the data you already have on hand.
  • How TownNews.com iQ Standard makes programmatic advertising easy and affordable--and how you can get started!

Join us on Thursday, March 3rd at 10:30 AM CST.


Inline related content

Erica Smith 9 years ago updated by Christine Masters 9 years ago 1

You know how you can drag child assets into a story, creating in-line photo galleries, videos and links? Wouldn't it be nice to be able to do that with related content, too?

Under review

Webinar recording: What's new in BLOX Total CMS

anonymous 9 years ago updated by Kevin M. Cox 9 years ago 3

At our February webinar, Jon Winters (BLOX Total CMS product architect) discussed the latest improvements, updates and additions to BLOX Total CMS's Page Tracker tool.

Highlights include:

• Improved wireframe view now shows asset status and Live e-Edition segmenting.

• Updated gallery view displays more information and larger previews.

• New linear budget format looks cleaner and makes sharing asset budgeting information a breeze.

Bonus: Revamped installer makes updating the BLOX Total CMS InDesign plug-in easier than ever.

For more information, watch the recorded webinar today !


Webinar announcement: What's new in BLOX Total CMS

anonymous 9 years ago 0

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At our February webinar, Jon Winters, BLOX Total CMS product architect, will give an exclusive look at the latest improvements, updates and additions to BLOX Total CMS's Page Tracker tool.

Topics will include:

  • Improved wireframe view now shows asset status and Live e-Edition segmenting.
  • Updated gallery view displays more information and larger previews.
  • New linear budget format looks cleaner and makes sharing asset budgeting information a breeze.
  • Bonus: Revamped installer makes updating the BLOX Total CMS InDesign plug-in easier than ever.

Join us Thursday, Feb. 4th at 10:30 AM CST

Under review

instagram usernames as part of user account

Erica Smith 9 years ago updated by Kevin M. Cox 9 years ago 4

Reporters, photographers, etc., can add their Facebook, Twitter and MySpace usernames to their profiles. Our youngest reporters have never heard of MySpace, but they know all about Instagram. Anyone else in favor of lobbying to get rid of some of the never-used platforms listed under "social" for platforms that are actually used or relevant?

Searching answer

Wedding, Engagement, Anniversary Announcements

Mike Stickler 9 years ago updated by Kevin M. Cox 9 years ago 5

We recently had a complaint from a user that our web forms for wedding announcements discriminated against the LGBT community as they requested Information for the bride and groom. Has anyone else made changes to their forms for this reason? How did you handle it? Do you have links to updated forms we can review?

My thought is to have a dropdown box and allow the person filling out the form to choose title. (Bride, Groom, 1st Participant) I would like the selection to update the labels for related field (Bride's parents would become 1st participants parent, etc)...

What's your idea?


Webinar recording: Introducing TownNews.com Content Exchange

anonymous 9 years ago 0

Webinar recording: Introducing
TownNews.com Content Exchange

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At our January webinar, Tim Turner (program manager), gave an overview of the all-new TownNews.com Content Exchange program.

The program allows web publishers to share articles, images and videos with our vast network of media sites to earn additional ad revenue and attract new users.

Highlights include:

  • Generating revenue from tag-along ads through the program's generous revenue
    sharing plan.
  • Improving visitor satisfaction by offering in-house coverage alongside high-quality journalism from around the country.
  • Reaching a wider audience by putting your content and branding in front of more people, on more sites.
  • Integrating with the TownNews.com iQ program to target users based on interests, leading to higher revenue gains.

Best of all, the TownNews.com Content Exchange is completely FREE and turnkey for BLOX CMS customers.

For more information, watch the recorded webinar today!


Webinar announcement: Introducing the TownNews.com Content Exchange program

anonymous 9 years ago 0

Webinar: Introducing the TownNews.com
Content Exchange program

TownNews.com's Content Exchange program helps web publishers like you build revenue and audience from the content you're already creating. Share articles, images and videos with our vast network of media sites to earn additional ad revenue and attract new users with professional content you select from the exchange.

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Best of all, the TownNews.com Content Exchange is completely FREE and turnkey for BLOX CMS customers. At our January webinar, Tim Turner, Content Exchange program manager, will discuss the program and how to get involved.

Topics will include:

- Generating revenue from tag-along ads through the program's generous revenue
sharing plan.

- Improving visitor satisfaction by offering in-house coverage alongside high-quality
journalism from around the country.

- Reaching a wider audience by putting your content and branding in front of more
people, on more sites.

- Q&A session to follow presentation.

Join us on Thursday, Jan. 14th at 10:30 AM CST.


Wanted: Author and byline fields for YouTube assets

Erica Smith 9 years ago 0

Anyone else? Adding a "byline" as the description is clunky. Possible, but clunky and not a good user experience. I can batch edit and add an author to a video. Still clunky, and it appears as the "author," not with the byline style we prefer.


Webinar recording: What's new in BLOX Total CMS

anonymous 9 years ago 0

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At our December webinar, Jon Winters (BLOX Total CMS product architect) gave an exclusive look at the latest improvements, updates and additions to BLOX Total CMS.

Highlights include:

  • New social media broadcast tool lets you post to Facebook and Twitter via your BLOX CMS site.
  • Updated depth count displays page previews without trimming and notes.
  • Improved organization of agate-based assets within the syndication tool.
  • Time-saving updates make print trimming accessible from within the browser interface.

For more information, watch the recorded webinar today!


Webinar announcement: What's new in BLOX Total CMS

anonymous 9 years ago updated by Kevin M. Cox 9 years ago 3

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At our December webinar, Jon Winters, BLOX Total CMS product architect, will give an exclusive look at the latest improvements, updates and additions to BLOX Total CMS!

Topics will include:
- New social media broadcast tool lets you post to Facebook and Twitter via your
BLOX CMS site.
- Updated depth count displays page previews without trimming and notes.
- Improved organization of agate-based assets within the syndication tool.
- Time-saving updates make print trimming accessible from within the browser interface.

Join us on Thursday, Dec. 3rd at 10:30 AM CST.


Static WYSIWYG Block (Flex & Email)

Andrew McBride 9 years ago updated by Christine Masters 9 years ago 2

I would like to request a static block similar to "text promo" or "promo" that would include a WYSIWYG editor. This would be very handy for building emails or other static content pieces.

I was told you guys are pushing more towards static for these types of things instead of creating unnecessary assets that are being indexed and html is just not as easy for bulleted list, text formatting etc

Thank you.

Christine Masters 9 years ago

Hi Andrew!

This morning we released our latest major version of the BLOX Core CMS, which has a new "HTML" block type. This way, you can use it to create HTML snippets, without creating HTML assets. We do not recommend that you create HTML assets for non-content items.

Here is some more information about this, including recommended uses and details on data normalization:


Let me know how this works for you use cases! =)


Webinar: Introducing Flex Templates (November, 2015)

anonymous 9 years ago 0

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At our November 2015 customer webinar, Christine Masters (director of product management) gave an exclusive overview of our new Flex Templates!

Flex Templates take advantage of modern tools like HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap to bring responsive design to your BLOX CMS site. With responsive design, your site's layout, content and advertisements can dynamically adjust to fit your user's screen.

For more information, watch the recorded webinar today!


eEdition block - query by title and display full

Andrew McBride 9 years ago 0

Can you add the option to querying eEdition by "title" with "is" and "contains" settings?

Also, add an option to display with no crop but also full width for eEdition as well?


Webinar: Get responsive with Flex Templates

anonymous 9 years ago 0

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At our November 2015 webinar we'll give an exclusive overview of our new Flex Templates! Flex Templates take advantage of modern tools like HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap to bring responsive design to your BLOX CMS site.

With responsive design, your site's layout, content and advertisements can dynamically adjust to fit your user's screen.

Topics will include:
- Faster load times increase user satisfaction, drive pageviews and boost SEO.
- Universal URLs make it easier to index and share your pages, no more mobile
only "m-dots!"
- Increase revenue with campaigns that span all devices or target specific screen sizes.
- Powerful management features make it easier than ever to change your site's layout, style
and color scheme.

Ready to get flexible? Join us on Thursday, Nov. 12th at 10:30 AM CST.