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The bottom bar was removed to maximize the work space. The preview options have been moved under the site selection in the top bar. In the upper right, select the site domain name and the selection screen should offer the preview options.



Paul MacNeill 6 years ago updated by zeloha 6 years ago 0

Micropayments are increasingly seen as one component to offset a decline in ROP, at least in Canada. The Winnipeg Free Press, Canada’s second largest independent daily, has successfully pioneered a model. Readers pay .27 cents for the first story. As more stories are read the system works to make the client a full subscriber. We’ve given our news away too long chasing clicks that don’t translate into substantial revenue. This is not a panacea. But it is important. The Canadian industry will see a significant number of papers lock down their sites in the coming year. Micropayments will allow them to still maintain a social media presence while generating revenue. https://www.inma.org/blogs/conference/post.cfm/micropayments-bring-in-new-readers-activate-subscribers-for-winnipeg-free-press


Google Analytics - Collection pageviews

Andrew Link 6 years ago updated by Kevin M. Cox 6 years ago 1

I've noticed over the last four days, our collection pageviews aren't accumulating like they have in the past in Google Analytics. Now in the collections traffic, the pageviews are close to the unique pageviews number. They aren't inflated anymore.

Has anyone else noticed this with their pageviews? Has Google Analytics stopped recognizing the different pages in collection assets?


Adding collections to a story

akduncan 6 years ago updated by Thomas Martinez 6 years ago 2

I'm just getting ready to launch, and am impatient. We have created several collections, but I can't get them to show up with stories. Any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong?


Google Analytics-prove site ownership

Sam 6 years ago updated by Christine Masters 6 years ago 1

Due to unresponsive former students, I need to be able establish site ownership in order to be able to regain administrator access to our Google Analytics information. Unfortunately, I cannot seem to figure out how to go about uploading the required .txt file to the default URL or even add meta tags to be able to accomplish this. Any help would be appreciated.

Maureen Reinert 6 years ago

Do you have a Google site verification code? It's 40 characters long and made up of letters and numbers. If you have that, you can go to the Page customizations for the top level page on your site. Under the Meta Data section, there is a Google site verification field. That's where you enter that code. That will create the google-site-verification meta tag for you.

Under review

Community Calendar

Keri Franzoni 6 years ago updated by Ian McPhee 6 years ago 2

The default event time selection the the submission form is every one minute. Who starts or ends an event on the minute? Please changed the default list to every 30 minutes with the option to type in minutes.

Under review

Inline Content

Robert Dundon 6 years ago updated by Christine Masters 6 years ago 1

Currently, Blox CMS has a way to include inline content with text and formatting or from related assets. That's great!

However, I was wondering in the future if it would be possible to add custom inline types? Thanks!


Webinar | Tourney fever is coming—score big with ultra-engaging college bracket contests

Cherry Wolf (Marketing specialist) 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 0

Join us on January 17th @ 10:30 AM CST

Sports fans nationwide are turning their attention to college hoops, and pick’em contests are a fun and engaging way to turn local sports fans into loyal repeat visitors. At our January customer webinar, Gary Stibolt, sales representative, and Doug Green, product manager at TownNews, will show off our all-new basketball pick’em contests for GamesPerform.

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Topics will include:

  • Creating bracket pick’em contests to satisfy your audience’s hunger for March college hoops.
  • Wowing advertisers with a variety of lucrative banner positions and contest sponsorship opportunities.
  • Managing your contests, creating leagues, and showcasing local basketball experts.
  • . . . and much more!

Bonus: Webinar registrants will be invited to join the TownNews Bracket Challenge and compete for prizes and bragging rights against other TownNews clients!

Ready to get started? Join us on January 17th at 10:30 AM CST.

Want to take in the webinar on your own time? Register now and we’ll send you a link to the webinar recording once it’s ready.

Under review

We are attempting to use the new promo designer block. When a reader abandons his/her unfinished AdOwl order, I would like to offer the reader a button to call us. Tech support says it isn't possible. Can that be right? Ideas?

Peggy at the Leader 6 years ago updated by Christine Masters 6 years ago 3

We are attempting to use the new promo designer block. When a reader abandons his/her unfinished AdOwl order, I would like to offer the reader a button to call us. With an active click-to-call button. Tech support says it isn't possible. Can that be right? Ideas?


I'd like to sort Classified ads placed via AdOwl by category for a given date range.

pgibson 6 years ago 0

I'd like to sort Classified ads placed via AdOwl by category for a given date range. 

To do this. I need to be able to export a search result which includes both an AdOwl identifier and category information. I'm not finding a way to do this.

Category is not a filter setting for AdOwl Orders or Transactions searches.

I can export AdOwl Transactions, but the export does not include category information.

I do not appear to have the capability to export search results for AdOwl Orders.

AdOwl ads contain a unique External ID. but this does not appear to be searchable/indexed content in a Classifieds search: also. I am unable to export the results of a Classified search.

We would use this feature several times per year, perhaps monthly.  

This feature would be used by two people (Classifieds Manager, CEO), which constitutes 50% of our users.


Are you #LocalMediaProud?

In newsrooms everywhere, our customers are gathering, analyzing, and presenting the news and information that is vital to every healthy community.

To help spread the word about the critical work you're doing, we've created the #LocalMediaProud hashtag on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. We'd love to see pics of your team, in the newsroom and on the job. Don't be shy, we know you're out there. :)

Share your newsroom pics to #LocalMediaProud today!

Aaron Gillette

Marketing director



Webinar | What’s new at TownNews

Cherry Wolf (Marketing specialist) 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2

Webinar recording now available.

What’s new at TownNews

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Engage your audience and earn more revenue with these features and updates you may have missed. At our November customer webinar, Christine Masters, director of product management, and Susan Bell, product manager for BLOX OTT and the BLOX Now app, will highlight the recent advancements you need to know about.

Topics will include:

  • An overview of our revamped mobile reporting interface
  • New revenue opportunities in BLOX Business Directory
  • Improved home screen navigation for BLOX OTT
  • The latest BLOX CMS speed and security enhancements
  • . . . and much more!

Ready to get started? Watch it today.


ICYMI: Find the webinar recording and slide deck here.


Modify Public-facing "Create an Event" form for multiple but non-recurring events

mcgregora 6 years ago 0

Quite often the "Create an Event" tool that is hosted on our website for

the public to enter events into our calendar labels events as Spam.

This occurs especially when someone is trying to create an event that

occurs multiple times but doesn't exactly meet recurring event criteria -

like a theater show that is performed three days in a row, but at different

times of day; or a presentation that happens 2 times in one day.

Because they can't use the recurring events function they attempt to

create a separate event for each date and time, typically the first one

they enter works but the subsequent events are rejected as Spam.

As a result, we fairly regularly receive emails or calls from people who

are getting tripped up by this. The solution we are trying now is to

simply turn the Spam filter off. Time will tell if this solution is

worse than the problem.

My idea is to modify the public-facing "Create an Event" form.

The form currently has an "Occurs" selection field - with options for

Once, Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly - to handle the recurring

events. When the recurring choices are selected the form adapts and

presents more fields to define the recurrence in the When section.

Could there be an occurs "Multiple" option that would then present

additional Date and Time fields? When "Multiple" is selected a secondary

selector field could appear asking "# of Additional Times" with options

for, say, 1-10. With that selection the form would then present the

extra Date and Time fields, for instance labeled Date #2, Time #2; Date

#3, Time #3; Date #4, Time #4; etc.


Default settings for 'Numbered Most Popular' block

George DuMontier 6 years ago 0

I see on the Number Most Popular block, that you can choose a metric. (i.e. Most Viewed, or Most Commented), but what if I leave that radio button unchecked?

Does anyone know if it defaults to one or the other? Or a combination of both?