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Under review

Getting video from Blox to our app

Andrea 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 7 years ago 4

Good afternoon, everyone, 

We are trying to get a video feed from Blox to our app (which is made by Whiz). 

The URL I am giving Whiz is not what they want. They said my URLs return articles with videos, but there is no direct link to play the video iteself. 

What they need is...

  1. Feed is in Whiz format -- see the two urls above have 'whiz' in them
  2. If not Whiz format, then an standard mrss feed
  3. Feed has link to actual video -- an .mp4 or .m3u8

Would anyone care to sure their URL format for a MRSS feed? 

Please and thank you. 



Anyone using one online store to both sell photos/stories from a page, and also merchandise?

Rob Weir 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Andrea 7 years ago 3

Hi there -- we're looking to expand what we can offer to sell on our site, to include not just stories and photos but also other branded merchandise. Our sales contact, Carol, suggested SecondStreet for us and they would definitely fit the bill for photo and story reprint sales, but they indicated they're not doing much on the "other merchandise" front right now.

We could use something like Shopify for an online store, but we'd prefer to keep our number of payment processors kind of low if we can. (Among other things, we're in a university environment where we have to get full review from multiple departments with payment modules.)

Thanks in advance!

Under review

Auto refreshing a block (flex)

Ashley 7 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated 7 years ago 4

Has anyone implemented a block (flex) or ad block that auto refreshes just the content of that one block? If so, what method did you find that worked best?

Under review

Add a desktop view for the back-end of BLOX on a mobile device

Nick 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 7 years ago 1

We've been using FLEX for about a year and I've just now noticed there isn't a way to break out of the mobile view of the back-end like there used to be for Zen.

For instance with Zen I could go to the front-end website and click "View full site." Then I went back to the BLOX back-end website thus tricking BLOX to show me the desktop version of the back-end. This was probably an unintentional workaround but it was very handy when I was away from a computer and needed to change something other than an asset.

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Under review

Building Trust through Transparency

Christine Masters 7 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 3

In another community topic, Craig from Calkins was discussing adding a "Fact Box" on articles to show transparency about how the article was written.

I would actually love to talk to you guys about this more. What can TownNews.com do, as your CMS, to help you establish greater trust with your readers?

We've actually been in discussions with Google on ways to employ Fact Check schema in our articles, using ClaimReview and Fact Check data. I think this would be like a Related Content item, but would have some little fields along with it, such as the claim that was made, the "rating" of the claim (true/false on a scale), and the source that was used to verify/debunk the claim. These would be separate Content items, so you could multiples per article, and could even drag them inline next to the claim being made.

As part of that, I'm also looking at ways for news orgs to be more transparent in reporting...

Some ideas that were being discussed:

  • Headline labels to differentiate opinion, satire, commentary, etc. (To avoid confusion that this item may not be news)
  • Publication information - date posted, edits, updates, maybe revisions
  • Location of reporter
  • Sources / citations / references
  • Questions from users in response to the article
  • Conflicts of interest and other declarations
  • Updates (Related Content item)
  • Corrections (Related Content item)

And then I like Craig's additions of:

  • researched by ___
  • edited by ___
  • interviews conducted

Also maybe:

  • fact checked by ___

Maybe there would be a way to differentiate stories that had this information versus other stories? Like, there would be an icon next to the headline... ?

Also, should this be fielded data to help each newsroom remember to write each thing? It could even be like a wizard for the reporter to fill out... Or should it be just a free-form box where you type stuff in?

What do you guys think? Would you use this? Is there even time for this in resource-strapped newsrooms?

Under review

Creating block - one week

Rick Holtz 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 7 years ago 6

I am trying to create a block with content that stays in the block for only one week. I know how to set it up for "today only" but I can't figure out the coding for having stuff that was published in the previous week.


Sponsorship to Remove paywall

Kevin M. Cox 7 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

We've got an advertiser asking about how much we'd charge to let them sponsor the entire website and remove the paywall for a period of time. Basically letting everyone read everything for free, sponsored by XYZ, Inc.

Has anyone done anything like this before? Very curious to hear any thoughts on how to price this or reasons why would shouldn't even consider it.


Under review

Please make HTML block keep its hard returns

Nick 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Patrick O'Lone (Director of Software Development) 7 years ago 5

Some of us are OCD about how our code looks. So it's somewhat of an exercise in frustration when creating an HTML block to then have the system remove hard returns. I don't see any rhyme or reason as to what it removes. It does save tabs(or four spaces) which is good but hard returns are really a crapshoot.


Webinar | Creating a digital replica that delivers the goods (May 2017)

Cherry Wolf (Marketing specialist) 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 1

At our May 2017 customer webinar, we showed you how the latest changes to BLOX Live e-Editions can help you make your multimedia print replica more lucrative and engaging than ever. We also discussed how you can use BLOX Total CMS to simplify creation and segmentation of your Live e-Edition.

Topics included:

  • Boosting revenue with new Live e-Editions ad positions.
  • Affordable long-term archiving of your Live e-Editions.
  • Painless e-Edition creation with BLOX Total CMS.

Watch it today!


Feature request: Drag and Drop - Asset Manager/InDesign

Scott Burden - Tupelo, MS 7 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Marcus Fitzsimmons 7 years ago 3

Our group is using dual monitor setups - it would be awesome to allow us to utilize "drag and drop" from BLOX Total CMS Asset Manager and InDesign. I have my working InDesign document on one screen, and my Asset Manager set to open on the other. Instead of clicking "OK" - it would be convenient to drag the asset (and whatever siblings) directly to the working page.

Under review

I'd like the ability to see Taboola/Outbrain revenue

Nick 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 7 years ago 2

To my knowledge there isn't a way in BLOX to see the revenue made from clickbai...I mean Taboola/Outbrain ads. I think they look unsightly on our website and I'd like to get rid of them, but if they're performing well I can't justify getting rid of them.

I don't receive our bills from TownNews so I never see how much we get per month. Is there a way that certain admin can view the performance of Taboola/Outbrain ads?

Christine Masters 7 years ago

Hi Nick!

If you put in a CRM ticket, our accounting staff can look up that information for you. I did look up one of your recent months, and I'll just say that this program is paying about 65% of your BLOX hosted fees for all of your umbrella sites! So you're doing quite well! (Sorry!)

I would also mention in the ticket that may want to experiment with tweaks to the formula or the design to be more in line with something you're comfortable with. You may be able to tweak the logic slightly to optimize less on revenue (you may make a little less money, but have better ads) before just removing them entirely.


Section Specific Website Logos

Micah Moore 11 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by anonymous 7 years ago 7
How can you have a custom website logo for a specific site section? We want to rebrand our website sports section to match our "Sports Blitz" mobile app and print products. The logo would look similar to the attached image. 
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Under review

General Video Discussion

Andrea 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 7 years ago 20


Video has been something that we have never done consistently, or well. It has been a tough culture change for our small newspaper (and I have not done a good job in leading the charge).

I am interested in hearing from those who think they do a good amount of video.

Please list your video page page below, and share how you ramped up your video efforts.

Also, it appears there are two video options in Blox: using a YouTube link or uploading a video file into Blox. With using a YouTube link, it sounds like there is no way to show a preroll ad. However, uploading a video file into Blox DOES show a preroll ad. Is that correct?

I am also interested in hearing about your video workflow. Do you prefer adding videos to YouTube or Blox, and why?

Thanks in advance for any insight!


Under review

Force an asset at the top of seach results

Craig V 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 7 years ago 1

Is there a way to force an asset at the top of front-end search results when specific terms are queried? Ideally a link asset.

Under review

See Status for DNP items within Collection

Sarah McCraley 7 years ago updated by Christine Masters 7 years ago 2

We use photo collections throughout the site, but often find them being built with images that are set to Do Not Publish in the status. It would be helpful to see the status along with the other Title and Start Time for each item within the collection. Would anyone else find this helpful?

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