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Can we send an email reminder to our e-edition subscribers?

internet 8 years ago updated by Kevin M. Cox 3 years ago 5

how do I download a picture from blox cms?

dgrunfeld 3 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 3 years ago 1

Begging you for an autosave feature

jtravis 3 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

Please add an autosave feature. I'm having to redo tons of work when something stupid/unexpected happens and my Blox window closes before I saved. Working in another text editor that has autosave isn't a great solution because it usually means I have to fix every paragraph break in the story once I've cut and pasted it into blox, on top of just adding even more complication to my workflow.


Newsletter sign up for article access

Nico 3 years ago 0

I'd love to set up a way to limit access to articles by whether they have signed up for our newsletter. Kind of like a paywall or how Google Surveys worked where you can't access the article unless you have subscribed. Any chance for something like this?


Combining multiple pages disappeared

There's been a few subtle changes to BLOX Total CMS lately, the most noticeable change for me is the "Combine Multiple Pages" feature. IT only gives me the option to combine one page at a time. Anyone else have this issue?

Under review

Blox login method changed.

Jeff Sebestyen 3 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Tom Houston 3 years ago 6

So now you cannot enter the email address and password at the same time.  The creates an issue with the web browser auto-populating the credentials, actually hindering workflow.  And of course, creating an headache for I.T...again.  

Image 703


Feature request: Add sibling or child assets from multiple search pages

Erica Smith 9 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 3 years ago 10

If a user searches for assets to be used as sibling or child assets and the desired assets are on multiple pages, there's no easy way to add them to the story. You have to add the assets you want from Page 1. Then open the search again, search for the assets you want, go to Page 2, add the assets you want from that page. Want more? Repeat that process for every page of search results.

This is time consuming (and annoying). To change it, I've submitted a feature request. Help me make it a reality.

Christine Masters 3 years ago

Save search result format

Erica Smith 9 years ago updated by Kevin M. Cox 3 years ago 6

In the editorial section of Blox or TCMS, I can add columns, shuffle them around and just generally set things up in a way that's efficient for me. (Sort by start date, for example, or mark which stories have a site tag or which stories are marked "do not publish.") The next time I log in, the page will be set up the same way. That's great.

But when I'm in an asset and want to add child or sibling assets, the search results don't have the same functionality — I can show or hide columns that are or aren't relevant, move columns around to find what I want, but the next time I go to add a child or sibling asset, I have to do to the same thing again. It's time-consuming and, well, annoying. Any chance of being able to save those search result formats on a user basis?


Feature Request: Magazine style e-Editions

Kevin M. Cox 6 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 3 years ago 6

We'd like to submit a request for magazine style "flip book" e-Editions, similar to Issuu with double-truck views:


Right now we are having to host these off-site to have this magazine view that readers like.

1) What problem(s) does this idea solve? Why do you need this idea implemented? Provide as many problems or use cases as possible.

It allows for magazines and other special sections that aren't newspapers to be hosted in the native BLOX e-Edition.

2) How often would you use this feature?

At least monthly.

3) How many people in your organization would use this feature?

Everyone, including all readers.


VIDEO FEATURE: Add Video Option to Promo Designer

Jared F 3 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

Promo Designer works well if you're using an image, or if you have a written offer of some sort. Taking it one step further, how hard would it be to include the use of video assets in Promo Designer?  I would imagine we could increase our video traffic if we were able to create a pop-up that displays a chosen set of video assets either on load or when exit intent is exhibited. Video assets would be chosen from a Block, a Search or an RSS feed.   how hard would that be to build out?


Subscription Coupon Code

Kevin M. Cox 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 3 years ago 18
We would like to request the option of having a "Coupon Code" function available for new subscriptions on the website.

We envision being able to link specific codes to specific subscription services (e.g. a code would allow a discount on a 7 day print subscription but not on a weekend only).

To be fully functional, the code should include options to select either: $ off, % off or length of free trial.

This would be a huge tool for our circulation/promotions department and we imagine would be a welcome addition for other newspapers as well.

--> Why we're asking:

To give a little more background I thought it might be helpful to give a specific use case. While we see tons of potential for this feature, there is a specific promotion we're trying to develop in the next month and are having trouble seeing a way to do it with the current system.

We're planning on a new subscription marketing push for our newspaper. We'd like to offer potential subscribers a free trial subscription (either print and/or online) to the paper.

In order to make things as easy as possible we'd like them to be able to sign-up online (create a new BLOX user account) and instantly begin their online trial (get behind the paywall) without having to enter a credit card. At the end of their trial period of course we'll offer to make them a subscriber and collect their payment information.

A "coupon code" function seems like the best way to make this happen but of course we are open to suggestions if we can already pull off something similar with existing tools. For example: Is there a way to link directly to a hidden subscription service?

Please let me know what y'all think.


Desktop notifications?

Kyle Whitfield 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 3 years ago 10

Is TN familiar w/ the ability, through Google Chrome, to send a reader notifications if they opt-in? Been seeing this a little more frequently among news sites. Just curious.

Christine Masters 3 years ago

We now offer web notifications as part of BLOX Notifier and a block web notifications block.



Feature Request: E-edition clip and print tool

Chase Doak 5 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 3 years ago 1

As we get more and more readers moved from print subscriptions to digital-only subscriptions, we've had several older readers ask how they can easily print the crosswords, jumbles and Sudoku puzzles from the e-edition.

My request is for a simply clipping tool to make it easier to print a portion of the e-edition, similar to the print/save tool used by Newspapers.com. It works quite effortlessly and is user-friendly, even for readers who lack tech skills.

Image 651


Batch edit utility - change more than 25 at a time

Sara Hardison 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 3 years ago 30
We have a lot of section tags with hundreds of assets assigned that we are moving around and do change from time to time. The batch edit tool is great, but the limit to only changing 25 at a time makes it quite difficult when we are dealing with the number of assets we are. Would be great to have option to change number of assets you want to change at a time, so 25, 50, 100..etc.
Christine Masters 3 years ago

There are several different requests in here:

  1. A "mass" batch edit. We are working on this currently... it should be available in Q2 of this year. It allows you to create a search and then apply batch edit to that entire search results, even if it affects thousands of assets. There will be an extra confirmation process where you must type in the number of assets so that you are sure that you know how many assets you are affecting. The task on large amounts of assets happens as a background task (so it can take as long as it needs) and then sends you an email when you're done. So, for Nick's needs, this would definitely work).
  2. The ability to see more assets on a search results page in the BLOX admin. The solution for this will likely come as part of our new backend UI, which will likely end up being some kind of infinity scroll.

Lastly, there is the request for a batch edit function to change headlines and captions. To be honest, we are worried about allowing content to be changed in a batch editing process. Firstly, it's considered bad SEO to have similar titles on multiple pages in your site. Secondly, having all headlines (such as on a vertical gallery) is kind of annoying and repetitive to the reader.

On the other hand, I of course realize that if you don't add a title, we'll use the filename instead. And typing 200 unique, accurate titles is a very time-consuming task to say the least! Also, the only thing worse than a vertical gallery with repeated identical headlines is a vertical gallery with filenames as headlines instead! And, we currently provide no mechanism for them to be hidden as an option.

However, maybe we can fix some of those underlying problems instead. Basically, we're thinking that batch editing headlines and captions is a symptom of a bigger problem rather than a problem in and of itself.

What about something like this:

- A collection asset has the option of not showing photos and captions, even if they exist.

- In places where we have to show some kind of title (such as search results) maybe we show the parent's title instead?


- A way for the photo itself to know whether or not it has a unique headline, and if it does, display it. If not, display the parent (unless on a collection page). I would have to think more on how it can know it is a unique title... 

    Under review

    Domain Subscription Services

    Kevin M. Cox 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by mcgregora 3 years ago 12
    We have been talking about ways to leverage the Domain based Subscription Services in BLOX. Currently we are using one to allow staff at any of our sister papers to easily create accounts and get behind our paywall.

    An example of one of the ideas we’re considering is a partnership with a community college or school district. Our thinking is we could possibly have them pay $X,000 per year and allow all of their employees and students (with an email account on their domain) free access to our website. A perk of employment or enrollment at that institution.

    As several recent studies have revealed, millennials are adverse to paying for news, but maybe we can convert them into readers if they can get it for free. It could be a win-win for both us and the institution. They could easily incorporate the newspaper into their teaching if they know all students can access it for free.

    One of the stumbling blocks we’re considering is how to disable these free accounts once someone is no longer a student or employee.

    What we’d love to see is an option to “re-confirm” accounts created under these Domain services at set periods of time. e.g. Have BLOX send out address confirmation emails every year and then disable (or remove from the service) any accounts that no longer have valid/active email accounts.

    I’d love to hear what others think. As it stands this seems to be the real limiting factor in putting these Domain Subscription Services into use.