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Under review

Universal Analytics Upgrade (GA)

Mike DellaVecchia 11 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Mike Stickler 10 years ago 3
Apparently Google is now offering improved analytics via a "Universal Analytics Upgrade" however the upgrade will require some tracking code changes.  Here is a link to some detailed info on what is to gain and what changes are involved.  https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/upgrade/?hl=en_US Since Town News pretty much controls the GA tracking snippet for us, was wondering what, if any, changes are on the horizon to accommodate the new analtyics.js snippet over the current ga.js.  Might you have an ETA as well?

Google says you can go thru the upgrade process in GA and continue to get your stats as normal, however, the benefits of the Universal upgrade won't be seen until the tracking code is updated.  I'd be willing to beta if you need a volunteer.

Under review

Remove breadcrumbs from page

Matt Connolly - WCI 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Jason Schaefer 10 years ago 2
Is there an easy way to remove breadcrumbs from a specific page. I still want them for the majority of them, but would like to remove them on pages I scrape to get the "site template" (i.e. for things like e-mail templates and uPickEm contests). I know I can hide this in CSS, but would like to do it in BLOX
Under review

Has anyone experienced content going live BEFORE their publish date?

Lindy Bazner 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 10 years ago 6
Has anyone experienced content going live BEFORE their set publish date? We experienced a mess of content going live well before their intended publish date, and set off a bit of a firestorm in our newsroom. I have heard of this happening once at yet one other property, but I thought I'd ask around as I'm submitting a help ticket. It's a somewhat sketchy idea of a bug, especially considering embargoed content. We're going to attempt to test it again to recreate it.

Email Weather Newsletter

Adam Wratten 10 years ago in BLOX CMS 0
Hi! We've been making a big email push lately and really want to create a morning weather newsletter that would include the day's forecast, then ideally link off to the weather page on our website. Are there any tools available for this in the current BLOX system, or has anybody come across a solution that works with the CMS?

Secrets to social networking success with BLOX CMS

With approximately 1.317 billion users on Facebook, it’s clear that social media is here to stay. Growing your social network should be a key component of your marketing strategy, but it isn’t easy. You need publishing tools that make it simpler to post, share and create a community. Learn more »

How to I search for articles with a specific byline in BLOX?

Matt Connolly - WCI 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 10 years ago 7
In the BLOX back-end, I want to search for all image assets with a specific byline. I think I remember a way to do this using the "Search Text" field, but I can't find any documentation to support this.
Under review

Readers are creating user accounts without required fields. How does that happen?

Simon Birch 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 10 years ago 3

"BLOX Registration is capable of requiring specific fields - first name, last name, phone number, etc. - before a new registration request can be submitted. However, user accounts exist that do not contain the specified, required fields."

Really, REALLY wish you folks could find a way to fix this.
Under review

Documentation for business query rules

Sam Williams 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 10 years ago 1
We are trying to use the Slideshow:Versatile block to try and pull in print-to-web ads from specific businesses in specific places on the site. We see the business query rules in the block, but can't find any documentation on how to use them. Is it based on business ID, priority, etc?
Under review

Open links in new tab

Lonnie de Lambert 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 10 years ago 2
Will TownNews engineer their sites to allow every asset the ability to open in a new tab or window?

Export user account information by date range

Lonnie de Lambert 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 10 years ago 2
Is there a way to export account information for users who have joined during a specific date range? I'd like to be able to export our user account information periodically.

How to create or find a URL to assign when creating a new form

Art Kabelowsky 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 10 years ago 3
Hello, I am hoping to create Blox forms to serve as preseason preview questionnaires for area football coaches. They will be able to plug in their contact info, comments on the upcoming season, and lists of returning players. Then we could use the Submissions area to retrieve the information.

I tried to create a form to start working on this concept. When I click on NEW FORM, I get a window asking for Form Title and URL. I put in a form title but when I click on the down arrow to select from a list of URLs, no choices are made available to me, just an empty box.

In the documentation, it states:
NOTE: When a new form is created, BLOX CMS will automatically create a URL and insert it into the URL tree relative to the URL that was selected above.

But it is not doing this. I can't get past the blank box where URL choices or a directory tree apparently should be. Also, I'm not allowed to type in a URL to see if the system will create it. So I can't get anywhere. How can we fix this? If it works I want to do many forms for our various coaches to use.


calendar Touch 5

Craig V 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 10 years ago 2
Is there a calender widget for touch 5 mobile? I want it to display like a standard calendar in a grid format.

I want to change the month in utl to subtract 1 from the current month

Craig V 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 10 years ago 4
I am using this:
[% asset.starttime('Y, n, j, G, i, s') %]

and where the month # is (n) I want to subtract 1 from the #.

Example: [% asset.starttime('Y, n -1, j, G, i, s') %]

My example doesn't work and is just an example of what I want to happen.

How to add a columnist

Mia Hyman 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 10 years ago 1
I want to add columnists to my college online newspaper. Does anyone know how to add them in the Columnist tab under Opinion?