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Pop up for email sign ups

Rebecca Fellenbaum 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by John 8 years ago 5

Hi, Does anyone recommend a third party software for a lightbox or pop up that allows visitors to subscribe to your emails right from the pop up? I am looking for suggestions!


Newsletter Signup pop up: question and critique.

John 8 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

We did it!

Check out our newsletter sign up here - http://www.utdailybeacon.com/multimedia/

We're still testing because there are still some funky issues.

1. Constant Contact registers 3 instances of the same email, for some reason.

2. The pop up doesn't fully close after signup.

Any tips or suggestions are welcomed, please and thank you!


There seems to be a setting forcing lower case letters into caps

Jacki Gray 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 8 years ago 2

Something in the Flex template is forcing the capital even though the user is entering it lower. You can see this on our keyword tags displaying on detail pages.

See this sample: http://www.burlingtoncountytimes.com/life-style/local-feature/photos-mansfield-business-turns-to-the-internet-to-sell-environmentally/collection_97510d74-211e-11e6-99b0-176ff8d7cb54.html

Screengrab of keywords entered lower in the admin:

Image 168

Screengrab of keywords forced upper on the front end:

Image 169

Can this be changed (we shouldn't force capital letters for style and accuracy reasons) in UTL or in the template so that it reflects throughout the entire site? I put a ticket in but was told if this were modified it would take us off the upgrade path. Would other customers benefit from a fix like so?

Christine Masters 8 years ago

BLOX currently forces whatever you type in to be lowercase, so right now everything is lower. We need the keywords to be lowercase for data integrity issues (so that they all search the same).

It used to be that we didn't touch these at all and left them lower case, but we got a lot of complaints, so we started adding a "title case" to them.

However, we have a feature in the system that would keep a "front-facing" version of the keyword (essentially, whatever you type in), and a "search optimized" version which would be in the search index for searching purposes. This will allow you to display things the way they type, but all have them searched the same.

Until that happens, however, Nick's suggestion would work and would not take you off the upgrade path (since it is just CSS). I will update the ticket in the system with this information so our support staff can help.


Conflicting schedules

Greg Wood 8 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

Can someone tell me how schedules interact if there are more than one active on the page? I've tried dragging one schedule above the other one to see if that one takes precedence but I wasn't able to do that.


email collection

Jennifer Perkins 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 8 years ago 1

Please let me know if there's currently a way to work this with the paywall. If not, the idea is:

A temporary 'subscription' option where a non-subscriber could be offered a limited-time access to hard-paywalled content if they submitted their email address to be added to a list.

For example, if we had a new product we wanted to promote by email campaign, and we wanted to quickly build a distribution list, we turned on a month-long access to paywalled content on the website for non-subscribers. When they hit the paywall on the article, they would be prompted to purchase a subscription or - for a limited time - submit their email for that new product promotion.


Anyone else's ads just lose ALL of their impressions and clickthrus?

Nick 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Patrick O'Lone (Director of Software Development) 8 years ago 1

Checked my ads around 4:30 p.m. and everything was fine. Checked again at 5 p.m. and several ads lost ALL of their impressions and clickthrus. Some ads didn't lose all of their impressions but did lose tens of thousands. This happened on all three of our BLOX sites.


On May 13th, 2016, we made an emergency change to our stats software to fix legacy ad tracking. Stats were temporarily reset back to April 5th and reprocessed. All ad stats should have been reprocessed and restored early on Saturday, May 14th, 2016 including the missing data between April 5th and May 13th.

Under review

FLEX right rail regions aren't diverse enough on tablet and phone

Nick 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 8 years ago 14

In prepping our FLEX site for launch there's been a pretty big frustration with the regions available beginning at the right rail. Desktop is fine. But when you switch to a tablet or mobile phone breakpoint the options available are minimized beginning in the rail. I'll use a screenshot of the Boxy layout at a tablet breakpoint to illustrate my point as it’s the one we chose for our site.

Image 157

As you can see above the top rail ad is fine. Plenty of rows with one and two columns. But after the top rail ad we’re reduced to full width rows. This presents two problems. 1. As I’ve just mentioned there is a lack of diversity in the regions below the top rail ad. 2. (And this is really design busting) the top rail ad is no longer at the top! That means I have to create a new ad region block specifically to put it higher on tablet and mobile. I ended up just creating a new block for desktop and another for mobile and completely ignoring the top rail ad region.

So the easy solution to this problem would be something like this(and this screenshot will just start at the rail top ad)…

Image 158

This is more a suggestion for future site launches. But maybe opening up some regions down there wouldn't be site-busting for people who are already on FLEX.

So did anyone else have this problem when launching on FLEX?


Newsletter unsubscribe links missing

Maureen Reinert 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 8 years ago 2

Has anyone else noticed a problem with unsubscribe links no longer being added to the end of the newsletters? Until recently there were links at the end for unsubscribing, but those have disappeared. The Constant Contact footer information shows a link, but there isn't one on the actual email.


Feature Request: Podcast asset creation to simplify XML and RSS Data.

John 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 8 years ago 2

I'm slowly working through this with my town news contact but it seems like it will be more complicated and I might need to reach out to a third party company.

I'm trying to create a couple podcasts with some students and the level of detail required in the XML is far too much for the currect town news "audio asset" option.

Is it possible to add a Podcast asset with all the specific podcast details Apple and Stitcher require?

Here is an example of a video podcast's RSS XML.



Flash graphics

hbremer1 8 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

I'm trying to upload some Flash graphics but when I create the Flash asset, I can only see a 600x400(ish) portion of the graphic ... anybody know of any way to make the viewing area larger?


Bug? Business card Grid doesn't obey column count on Medium and Small breakpoints

Nick 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 8 years ago 1

I've got a Business card: Grid(FLEX) set as Display mode: Slideshow and Columns: 2. All is good on Large breakpoint. On Medium and Small it goes to 4 columns. On Extra-Small it goes to 1 column. I understand Extra-Small going to 1 column because it's so small. But Medium and Small should still obey the column layout setting, right? Is this a bug or is it intentional?


Click on the first photo in a story and the second photo shows up, and vice versa

Nick 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 8 years ago 2

We've got an issue on all three of our sites that happens when you click a child photo in a story. When you click the first one, it brings up the bigger gallery page with the second selected. When you click the second, the first opens. And this happens no matter how many photos you have in a story. Here's a graphic, because why not...

Image 154

So does anyone else have the problem?

Christine Masters 8 years ago

Hi Nick!

I was able to reproduce this on my test site, and I updated your ticket with the information and volunteered to walk through it for the dev so he can see what's happening. I assume it is a bug with the photo count for the URL, so we'll put in a bug ticket for that. Thanks!


Facebook Pixel

Kevin M. Cox 8 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

Has anyone added a "Facebook Pixel" to their BLOX site?


Force Facebook to use the default og_image instead of child image?

Kevin M. Cox 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 8 years ago 2

It is election season which means we are running a bunch of stories with multiple politician mugshots attached.

Someone pointed out that we may have a potential problem when Facebook displays only one of these on the article preview. As I’m sure you all know, somebody out there is going to take that as us favoring one candidate over the other.

Is there an easy way to prevent Facebook from pulling a child image in a case like this, or make it use the default logo instead?

Any thoughts anyone has are definitely appreciated.

Christine Masters 8 years ago

I'm not sure if there is a way to do this in Facebook (usually the first person to share the page can choose the main image, but I'm not sure how long that will stay that way for subsequent shares).

We have a feature we're working on where you can upload a different image to be used for the preview, and it would be used for the Facebook og_image as well. So, that may help when that's available.

For now, I would say that lots of papers just make a combined image with the various candidates all represented, and then that single image would be used as the main image on the story (and thus also the og_image).


Collection Series clipping headline

Kevin M. Cox 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 8 years ago 3

This one looks like a bug to me.

On a Collection Asset, Series style, long headlines are being clipped when there is plenty of space to display the whole thing.

Image 150

Is this somehow intended behavior?

Christine Masters 8 years ago

Hi Kevin!

Your file was customized and hadn't been updated. So our developer updated that bit of code on your site. Let me know if it looks better now.

