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Read it now: TownNews.com Bulletin (March, 2015)

Aaron Gillette (Marketing Director, TownNews) 10 years ago updated 10 years ago 1
Image 70

In this month's issue:

  • How the Tulsa World boosts revenue and SEO with topic pages
  • New! Inline notes for easier workflows
  • Facebook updates API - check your social media broadcast settings
  • How to fast-track updates to your front page with flags
  • Marc Wilson on the future of media technology
  • Webinar video: Focus on SEO


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User account email verification

Kevin M. Cox 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 10 years ago 4
Hopefully I'm just missing it, but is there a way to have the BLOX system verify an email address is legitimate as part of the new user signup process?

Currently users can create an account with any email address they want and there is no verification required to prove that use actually controls that email. This creates a potential issue with trying to use Domain based Subscription Services since we aren't actually verifying that someone has a real email in a particular domain.

I can't remember the last time I've used a service that didn't require verification so I'm hoping we can enable it for our site.
Christine Masters 10 years ago
Hi Kevin!

We do offer email confirmation... so when they sign up for an account, we email them and then they have to click on the link to prove they have access to that account.

Go to Settings -> Users -> Public Profiles and enable email confirmation.

The "special templates" referenced above are included by default in our core templates.

Forms with Touch 5 application skin.

Craig V 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 10 years ago 1
Is it possible to set settings > urls application to "Form" with a application skin of "Touch 5 Mobile"? I know once our site is responsive then it won't be a problem, but until then I would need an option for this.
Christine Masters 10 years ago
We don't have specific "Touch 5" skins for forms. But I do have another option...

On the standard editorial forms skin, if you pass ?p=1 through the form, it does "popup" mode without the shell of the site.

The guts of the form itself and simple and responsive, so once you get rid of the site shell, you're left with a responsive form.

So, you could link to this:


disable comments by section

Maunette Loeks 10 years ago updated 10 years ago 4
I thought I was remember something in documentation that I could disable comments per section (not per asset). If I am remember correctly, could someone kindly direct me to the right place? Thanks!
Christine Masters 10 years ago
You can use the blox_comments custom property to change the comments setting on a per-URL basis. Just go to URL settings, then add the name and your chosen value.

Under review

Using masthead photos on a long-form story

Sean Cassidy 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 10 years ago 3
I'm wondering if it's possible to make the masthead presentation mode for photos to be centered when it's placed on a long-form story. Right now, if you use a masthead photo on a long-form story, it floats left. However, the headline is centered, so it looks off. You can get around this using the "showcase" presentation mode for photos, which spans it across the whole page, but it adds the title of the image and grey lines on the top and bottom of the image. It would be nice to display above-the-headline photos that look clean. We used to be able to do this before with the "panoramic" presentation before it switched to an actual swiping panorama. It displayed the photo cleanly above the headline with the credit and cutline.
Under review

Newsletter sign-up on mobile

Adam Wratten 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 10 years ago 2
Hello! Is there a good way to set up a newsletter sign-up page on a Touch 5 site?

Google Survey

Craig V 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 10 years ago 1
We would like to use the following. http://docs.townnews.com/kbpublisher/Google-Survey-Custom-URL-Properties_7779.html . It doesn't seem to be working though. I implemented it under /business url and it just unlocks the content completely and doesn't display the survey. Example: http://www.burlingtoncountytimes.com/business/saladworks-files-for-bankruptcy-protection/article_37967825-3277-5345-b8bb-9d5f477f1f97.html
Christine Masters 10 years ago
Hi Craig!

The Google Survey implementation requires a few more steps, such as having subscription set up, and IDs and so forth. It also requires a special 'Subscription Pro' contract, which you may already have.

Our staff would be very happy to help you with the set up though. Just submit a ticket to CS, or email your sales rep. Thanks! =)

PS Also note that Google Surveys doesn't always show a survey, and the default behavior when it doesn't is to show the content.

Including a "read More" link back to article when copy and pasting body text

Mike DellaVecchia 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 10 years ago 2
I've noticed that certain news websites, when you copy and paste a portion or full article, it automatically pastes in a link back to the article as well.  I think this would be a great feature to add.

For example, Politico:
Atlantic City has one of the highest crime rates in New Jersey, with 4,287 crimes in 2014, 522 of which were violent, according to the New Jersey State Police’s website.

Crime levels are falling, dropping by 13.6 percent in the past year, but think tank and policy researchers list it as one of the main impediments to the city’s recovery as a tourist haven. The city’s budget cuts also led to reductions to the police department.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/02/atlantic-city-meltdown-chris-christie-115204.html#ixzz3SfjsHbCj
Christine Masters 10 years ago
Hi Mike!

This is usually done with Tynt:


From what I recall, it is just some JS that you add to your footer.

Video: Simple Player block

Scott 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 10 years ago 1
Currently when a YouTube video is finished playing in the Video: Simple Player block, Youtube puts in a link (or several links depending on the size of the block) to related videos. These videos may or may not be related to your site. They are chosen by Youtube, not TownNews or your staff.

We are wondering what the community would prefer as the default. The choices are to a) keep things as they are and have YouTube supply links to related videos or b) don't show any related videos at all after your video is done playing. 

Edit Comments Tab Rules of Conduct?

Kevin M. Cox 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 10 years ago 2
It is possible to edit the Rules of Conduct displayed on the Comments tab of articles? If so can we do it ourselves (in the templates maybe) or do would we have to open a ticket?


Christine Masters 10 years ago
Hi Kevin!

It is a macro that can be edited in the site component. If you have template access and know about the site component, it is in the messages file. If not, you can open a support ticket and they can do it for you or help you. =)


Remove AP from front end search results

Craig V 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 10 years ago 3
Is there an easy way to remove all AP from the front end of search results page? 
Christine Masters 10 years ago
Hi Craig!

Here are details on how to add search parameters: 


So, to exclude ap, the parameter would be &nfl=ap (for ap flagged articles).

This parameter can be added to any search form on the site via a hidden input field. Ask Customer Support if you need help setting this up. =)

Under review

Obit asset type?

Laura Rauch 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 10 years ago 4
I would like BloxCMS and TCMS to have an obituary asset (a customized article asset) with common fields for obituaries such as dates of birth and death, last name, first name, middle initial, etc. Maybe even times for services

Is there a way to modify the RSS output from BLOX sections?

Adam Wratten 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 10 years ago 3
We're launching a new app and it's only pulling in what is displayed in the RSS feed, which happens to be a single photo and a paragraph.

This is understandably problematic as it doesn't allow the full article to be displayed and makes all our collections pointless to our app audience.

So, what can I do to make our RSS feed show the entire article and all (or even more) associated photos?

Sort rules Random

Craig V 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 10 years ago 1
When I set a blocks sort rules to (random) and have the query size set to 1 for the amount of assets to show, it should change the asset that is showing when I refresh, correct? it is not changing though.
Christine Masters 10 years ago
It doesn't reload every page refresh, but it should change every "page build." Or, any time an updated page is built and cached - which should be every 5 - 10 minutes, depending on the page and the situation, etc.

AP Flag

Maunette Loeks-Van Patten 10 years ago updated by Maunette Loeks 10 years ago 3
OK, maybe I am being blond. :) It wouldn't be the first time. 
We are testing the Asset Index: Headlines block on our front page. However, we are feeding AP stories into the block and the "AP" flag is showing.
According to the docs, we can hide a flag, but I've tried every different configuration I'm not getting it to go away.

This is from the documention: skipped_flags

With this setting, specific flags can be turned off. For example, if you have a block that pulls in assets that are flagged featured, every asset would have a featured icon next to it. To turn it off: skipped_flags = featured.

I'm not doing something right. Anyone? Thanks in advance.