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Under review

Right Rail on Articles In Flex

Craig V 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 7 years ago 5

Is there a way to add content from an article asset in the right rail?


I'm not sure if the paywall referrals property is working correctly

Nick 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Rich Griffin | Product Manager (Product Manager) 7 years ago 1

We're opening up our paywall to people referred from Facebook and Twitter. That way they won't hit the paywall and stories won't count toward the paywall. But in testing it it looks like the views are being counted until 0 articles remaining and then it just continues to let future articles be viewed. I thought they would just not count period.

For instance if we have 10 free articles and someone views two from our website and then two more from social media they would then have eight remaining. But it seems to say they have six. Then it continues to deduct views until it reaches 0 at which point it just continues to give them the free views.

And one thing the documentation doesn't really make clear is whether this custom property has to be an EACH page behind the paywall or if it just need to be on our root URL. For instance can I just have it set on / or do I have to set it on /local_news/, /local_sports/, /life/, etc?


Business Directory Storefronts could work better as Standalone Full Websites

maryshepard 7 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

We currently use Business Directory Storefronts to serve as standalone mobile optimized websites for some of our advertisers. This has been a great addition to our local small business advertisers and our sales team! However some functionality of the Storefronts makes it difficult for them to truly function as stand alone websites.

Primary Example - By allowing certain child-related assets to be clickable, visitors to these standalone sites are re-directed to our site, to view the asset. For example we posted an article with an image for an advertiser on their Storefront Website under the "Products" tab. When visitors to his site click on the image, they are confusingly re-directed to the image asset on our site. Taking the user off of his/her intended website and making the user experience not very friendly.

We would like the ability to make some assets not-clickable within the Business Directory.


Inline Notes on Photo Assets - Feature Request

Sarah McCraley 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 7 years ago 1

We use the inline note feature to communicate changes and additional information that reporters and editors may need when reading articles (article assets). This tool would be valuable in photo assets captions - where we are checking spelling on names or adding notes about presentation or dragging images inline. Would anyone else find this valuable?

Under review

"Unique" Asset on a page

Joe Hansen 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Michael Becker 7 years ago 7

I'd like to suggest a feature that would help to alleviate articles appearing multiple times on the same page.

Feature: Add a query rule for "asset must be unique". This would make sure that an asset is shown only once on a given page.

Reason: Due to over-zealous tagging on content, sometimes articles will appear more than once on a page, regardless of rules that are set up. This would ensure that each headline is shown only once on a page.

Possible Implementation: Global array at page initialization holds array of unique asset ids. As assets are added to the page block by block, the asset ids are added to the array. If the query rule is checked, then when the query for that block is made, the global array of used ids is passed along as a "AND id NOT IN (list of used ids)".

1) What problem does this solve?

Solves the issue with a headline being shown in multiple blocks on the same page

2) Why do we need it?

Example case would be a breaking news story. Imagine a news/local section tagged asset flagged as breaking news. It shows in the "breaking" block and in the news/local block. If you want it to appear on the page only once, then you'd have to have a rule on your news/local block to hide any "breaking" flagged items. Rather than to have the reporter remember to remove a breaking news flag from an asset later so that it will automatically show up in the news/local block, having this "only once" option would allow it to be visible only once on the page.

Under review

Change the order of blogs (assets) from oldest to newest so they sort by most recent

Lonnie de Lambert 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 7 years ago 1

It doesn't make sense that the most recent blog would be at the bottom of the page.

When a reader is following a blog they do not scroll to the bottom to see the most recent post.

Can the order of blogs (assets) be changed from from oldest to newest so they sort by most recent?


Feature request: Restricted/Private mode for assets

Robert Armstrong 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 7 years ago 3

1) A secure mode for assets would only allow specific people (through a list of usernames or group access settings) to edit an asset and publish.

2) Sometimes there are sensitive articles that, while they are being developed, should only be accessed by a select few (eg: only the author and a managing editor).

3) We would use it any time there are stories or large features that require confidentiality until publication. Especially articles that have a lot of fact-based research that needs to be vetted, or allegations that need to be confirmed.

4) All users would benefit from this feature. Our head editors and those with more independent and investigative privileges would benefit most from it, while allowing our managing editors access to their articles.


New feature idea: "Make Siblings" button

Michael Becker 7 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

Let me know what you think of this idea, folks:

Imagine you're in the asset editor with multiple assets selected. You then hit a button in the toolbar and all those assets are made siblings to each other in one click. (Each one has all the others added as siblings.)

I think it would make establishing related articles easier in bulk.


next page/previous page buttons as a utility block

Pat Checketts 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Nick 7 years ago 3

When one of our readers visits the news, sports, or calendar pages as an example, they can only see a maximum of the 50 most recent assets. To see anything in those categories older than 50 assets, they would have to use the search feature of the website where at the end of the search results, there is a "next page/previous page" button.

We're proposing creation of a block which would navigate to the next set of assets within a category without needed to navigate to the search function. For instance, on a sports page, if you have it set up just to display the 15 most recent articles, then the next page would reveal the next 15 most recent articles. Another example is on our calendar page where again the reader can only see a maximum of 50 upcoming events and to see anything beyond that, you must do an event search for a specific range of dates. It would be great if readers could easily glimpse at events in coming months without using the search feature.

  • I would use this feature multiple times per week
  • Our readers would use this feature on a daily basis
  • others in my organization would use this feature multiple times per week

Follow this seach

Craig V 7 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

Is there any way to see how many people are using the "Follow this search" function? and what the open rate is on the emails that get sent for it? BTW: I love this function, just wondering if it is getting used.


pre roll video ads on specific sections

Pat Checketts 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 7 years ago 0

In FLEX, pre roll video ads are only supported in the ROS position. This has created a problem for us with some sports packages we've sold for us in previous years. We have other non-sports videos on our sites, but we create a special advertisement with sponsors that runs specifically before state track highlights. So now, the pre-roll videos we've created for state track highlights are running on every video regardless of section/subject.

Would it be possible to create one of these options?:

  • be able to assign pre-roll ads to specific pages (not just ROS)
  • match ads with specific assets by using keywords or slugs

We use to be able to assign them to specific sections in ZEN

Under review

Can I add branding text to every page title?

Nick 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 7 years ago 11

I'm not sure if it was how our site was set up or what caused it but our page titles don't have any branding. For instance most news sites' page titles would look something like this...

"City crime rate dropped in 2016, but gangs persist | The News"

I tried to just add " | The News" to the "Page Title" field in URL page properties but that adds the text to the "Utility: Page heading" block. I don't want that. I just want it in the page title.

Hopefully this makes sense. Does anyone know how to add text to a page title without it changing text within the page itself?

Under review

Allow advertisers to view banner ad stats

Kevin M. Cox 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 7 years ago 3

I seem to remember reading that there was a function available that would allow advertisers to view their own banner ad statistics. Possibly through the Business/Marketplace integration?

I've searched but am coming up blank.


Feature Idea: Block template queries by asset custom property

Michael Becker 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 7 years ago 3

Imagine this: You set up a block template for one of your URLs, but instead of just being able to query by start time, section, keyword tag, and such, you can query by asset custom properties.

It would be a text field option, where you'd type in the custom property and then have an optional second field for a value (with options for equals, less than, greater than, etc.). If you left the second field black, it would just test to see whether the custom property exists.

My specific use case (right now) would be our sports assets where we use custom properties to make a custom scoreboard appear with an asset. The block query would look to see whether any of the associated custom properties exist, and then I could make a block containing just assets that have scoreboard.

I'm sure you can all come up with many more uses.

What do you think?

Under review

Find user who has accessed an asset?

Robert Armstrong 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 7 years ago 7

We recently had an article leaked. It was an early draft and still required many edits and fact-checking before we were to publish.

Through revisions, we can see who has edited/saved an article, but is there a way to see which user account has entered into an asset but did no edits and not saved (i.e: just viewed)?

If not, would it be possible to add in a "log" field near revisions that just show who has entered into an asset and what time, regardless of any changes made?

Christine Masters 7 years ago

Hey Robert,

Please submit a Customer Support ticket on this and they may be able to help. We do have various types of logs and may be able to search for some activities, depending on how long ago it was.